
Wiki Contributions


Hello! I've been a reader since 2012 or so, and used to comment occasionally under a different username. (I switched because I wanted to be less directly connected to my real name.)

That was a weird feeling; I didn't realize that this was my own comment, and only checked the username when that last paragraph seemed eerily familiar.

As a follow-up: I got a good full-time job starting in January 2015. I've got 10% of post-tax earnings from my internships set aside in a savings account to donate when Givewell announces 2015 recommendations, and I'll add 5% of this year's pre-tax salary to that donation also. Nothing actually donated yet, but it seems really unlikely that I won't do it. I'm planning to keep donating 5% of pre-tax as a token amount for the next few years, and have a few plans for how I might be able to donate more later. I was several months late in deciding to do this and setting up the savings account, so my reminder emails didn't work perfectly, but in the end I did it.

The main problem I've had with it is that a too-large dose makes me feel sleepy the next day. (3mg, felt extremely sleepy for 4 hours after getting up, and I'd slept in a bit more than normal, too.) My results are a bit strange, though, because another medication I take interacts with it. 1/4mg (guesstimated by cutting the pills with a knife) is usually enough for me.

These probably aren't the best ones out there, just what came to mind easily:

  • For people who take a few different medications, those weekly pill box things - it takes less attention to do it all at once when non-groggy.

  • Keeping one's workspace clean and organized might be an example; a lot of people say they can pay attention more easily when things are clean.

  • Keep bicycle tires well pumped - makes you go a lot faster. (Also, having the correct kind of tires. Mountain bike tires are slow on pavement.)

  • Set up the computer/browser to automatically open the tabs/programs you use the most. (I know some people who do this on their work computers.)

  • "no 'poo" hair washing makes hair less oily so you need to wash it less often. Also cheaper. (baking soda + vinegar is the usual method.)

  • buying two weeks' worth of groceries at once so you don't have to shop as often

  • Dvorac and other alternative keyboard layouts

  • email inbox automation things (I've not used any, but people seem to like them)

I took the survey.

Did anyone else fall on the borderline for some of these questions? I was in a weird space for the one about whether you ever had a relationship with someone else from LW (they introduced me to LW).

I don't think I usually mean it as counter-signalling (from the inside, it feels like I'm talking in a way that I find more fun/interesting/funny), but I have little bits of self-depreciation as part of my normal speech. I have to consciously turn it off for job interviews, because in that context it always gets taken literally. This is probably why. (Possibly also some influence from the other person consciously trying to evaluate me during the conversation.)

I hadn't thought of religion, but that makes a lot of sense. I could also see homemade gifts being really popular - making something specifically for someone is about more than the thing itself, so it isn't so easily replaceable. I'd also be interested to see what happens when people have so much time and energy to devote to their relationships, with things like that.

Hm.. I'm not really sure how price incentives would work in this context. Avoiding monopolies would definitely be important. If we assume that problem is solved, would competing on price be enough? It's a really weird sort of economics, when most of the customers' income comes from a corporate tithe... I'm too tired for math at the moment, might take a look at it later.

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