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After all, do we not generally hold to the principle that someone who has moral and legal right to money, also has the right to choose how to allocate that money? What else could the idea of property mean? If something is your property, you may do as you wish with it: use, sell, destroy.[6] Why should this stop at giving it to someone?

Doesn't this apply to other forms of income too?  If my employer chooses to compensate me at a certain level, or if my customers choose to buy my products/services at a certain price, don't I have a right to that income via their right to free allocation of their money?


No one would use it if not forced to?


It's pretty horrible. It doesn't even fit on one screen

Obvious suggestion would be to reduce the font size of the headers so that the dropdowns below can be moved to the same line, but maybe that's irrelevant if more substantial changes are being made.


We (i.e. "reasoning beings in computable universes") can influence the UP, but we can't reason about it well enough to use that influence.  Meanwhile, we can reason about things that are more like the speed prior -- but we can't influence them.

Did one of these can/can't pairs get flipped? 


My guess is starting with the minimal resolution pixel art mean you can control the upscaling process and don't have to deal with any artifacts introduced in previous upscaling.


Unlimited evaluation can never get to BB(6) so that is the limit of evidence from evaluation.

The value of BB(6) is not currently known, but it could in principle be discovered. There is no general algorithm for calculating BB numbers, but any particular BB(n) could be determined by enumerating all n-state Turing machines and proving whether each one halts.


Also worth trying: Replace the water/milk with coffee. I first tried this while camping (to avoid having to boil additional water), and I found it surprisingly good.


Or here’s a call for ‘militant democracy’ which means shutting down the opposition’s media entirely.

link missing


Not to mention that in canon, the rebel base in question was on Yavin IV. The droids with the stolen plans were indeed on Tatooine, but the empire already knew that.


If I want an AI to get me a sandwich, I don't want the AI to get itself a sandwich.

You solve this problem when you recognize your foot as part of yourself without trying to feed it a sandwich.

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