Michael Roe


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e.g. After the mass casuality incident...


"You told the government that you had a shutdown procedure, but you didnt, and hundreds of people died because you knowingly lied to the government."

My personal view on how it might help:


  1. Meta will probably carry on being as negligent as ever, even with sb1047
  2. When/if the first mass casualty incident happens, sb1047 makes it easier for Meta to be successfully sued
  3. After that.AI companies become more careful.

On the one hand, we encounter a lot of arguments  about gender that seem, to me, to be philosophically bad. Maybe a good source of reasoning fallacies you might be able to spot in other contexts too,


On the other hand, the more I think about it, the less I care about the object level isue. It seems inevitable that there are going to be various sorts of statistical outliers and hard to classify cases, and really is it that big a deal?

I know one person who is intersex, and I know because they're involved in right activism and they told me, Probably couldnt tell otherwise. Could well be xome other people I know are intersex and haven't told me.Maybd they dont even know themselves, as it appears that this information was frequently witheld by doctors. Shrug.


Also: if you take gender as chromosomal sex, then (a) tye aforementioed person is totally genuinely both xx and xy because they have mosaic chromosomes; and (b) it seems really strange for your gender to sometimes be something that you, yourself, do not know,.

A financial conflict of interest is a wonderous thing...

"Okay, Beatrice. There was no alien, and the flash of light you saw in the sky wasn't a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus -- Men in Black

The TV Series "Dark Skies" .. in which the US Government is orchestrating a coverup about the involvement of giant prawns from outer space in the Roswell incident, the JFK assassination, the shootdown of Gary Power's US spyplane, erc.

Answer by Michael Roe20

I agree that Vernor Vinge's A Deepness in the Sky is an example.


Almost but not quite an example: Edmund Cooper's The Overman Culture. It is obvious to the reader from the outset that the characters cannot be when and where they think the are (evacuated from London during World War 2).Maybe not enough deceiver's perspective to count.


Also not quite: Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun.

This is pretty much why many people thought that the term "Open Source" was a betrayal of the objectives of the Free Software movement,


"Free as in free speech, not free bewr" has implication that "well, you can read the source" lacks.

Yeah, many of the issues are the same:


*RLHF can be jail broken with prompts, so you can get it to tell you a sexy story or a recipe for methamphetamine. If we ever get to a point where LLMs know truly dangerous things, they'll tell you those, too.

*Open source weights are fundamentally insecure, because you can finetune out the guardrails. Sexy stories, meth, or whatever.


The good thing about the War on Horny

  • probably doesnt really matter, so not much harm done when people get LLMx to write porn
  • Turns out, lots of people want to read porn (surprise! who would have guessed?) so there are lots of attackers trying to bypass the guardrails
  • This gives us good advance warning that the guardrails are worthless

Also note that Open Source precludes doing this ...


The basic Open SOurce deal is that absolutely anyone can take the product and do whatever they like with it, without paying the supplier anything.



  • The vendor cannot prevent the customer doing something bad with the product (If there is a line of code that says "dont do this bad thing", then the customer can just delete it
  • The vendor also cannot charge the customer an insurance premium base on how likely the customer is to do something ba with the product

... which would suggest that Open Source is only viable in areas where there isn't much third party liability.

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