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I expect if you average over more contrast pairs, like in CAA (, more of the spurious features in steering vectors are cancelled out leading to higher quality vectors and greater sparsity in the dictionary feature domain. Did you find this?

This is really cool work!!

In other experiments we've run (not presented here), the MSP is not well-represented in the final layer but is instead spread out amongst earlier layers. We think this occurs because in general there are groups of belief states that are degenerate in the sense that they have the same next-token distribution. In that case, the formalism presented in this post says that even though the distinction between those states must be represented in the transformers internal, the transformer is able to lose those distinctions for the purpose of predicting the next token (in the local sense), which occurs most directly right before the unembedding.

Would be interested to see analyses where you show how an MSP is spread out amongst earlier layers.

Presumably, if the model does not discard intermediate results, something like concatenating residual stream vectors from different layers and then linearly correlating with the ground truth belief-state-over-HMM-states vector extracts the same kind of structure you see when looking at the final layer. Maybe even with the same model you analyze, the structure will be crisper if you project the full concatenated-over-layers resid stream, if there is noise in the final layer and the same features are represented more cleanly in earlier layers?

In cases where redundant information is discarded at some point, this is a harder problem of course.

It's possible that once my iron reserves were replenished through supplementation, the amount of iron needed to maintain adequate levels was lower, allowing me to maintain my iron status through diet alone. Iron is stored in the body in various forms, primarily in ferritin, and when levels are low, the body draws upon these reserves.

I'll never know for sure, but the initial depletion of my iron reserves could have been due to a chest infection I had around that time (as infections can lead to decreased iron absorption and increased iron loss) or a period of unusually poor diet. 

Once my iron reserves were replenished, my regular diet seemed to be sufficient to prevent a recurrence of iron deficiency, as the daily iron requirement for maintenance is lower than the amount needed to correct a deficiency. 

The wrapper modules simply wrap existing submodules of the model, and call whatever they are wrapping (in this case self.attn) with the same arguments, and then save some state / do some manipulation of the output. It's just the syntax I chose to use to be able to both save state from submodules, and manipulate the values of some intermediate state. If you want to see exactly how that submodule is being called, you can look at the llama huggingface source code. In the code you gave, I am adding some vector to the hidden_states returned by that attention submodule. 

Nina Rimsky3moΩ450

We used the same steering vectors, derived from the non fine-tuned model

Nina Rimsky4moΩ5100

I think another oversight here was not using the system prompt for this. We used a constant system prompt of “You are a helpful, honest and concise assistant” across all experiments, and in hindsight I think this made the results stranger by using “honesty” in the prompt by default all the time. Instead we could vary this instruction for the comparison to prompting case, and have it empty otherwise. Something I would change in future replications I do.

Nina Rimsky4moΩ250

Yes, this is almost correct. The test task had the A/B question followed by My answer is ( after the end instruction token, and the steering vector was added to every token position after the end instruction token, so to all of My answer is (.

Nina Rimsky4moΩ120

Yes, this is a fair criticism. The prompts were not optimized for reducing or increasing sycophancy and were instead written to just display the behavior in question, like an arbitrarily chosen one-shot prompt from the target distribution (prompts used are here). I think the results here would be more interpretable if the prompts were more carefully chosen, I should re-run this with better prompts.

Is my understanding correct or am I missing something?

  • A latent variable is a variable you can sample that gives you some subset of the mutual information between all the different X's + possibly some independent extra "noise" unrelated to the X's
  • A natural latent is a variable that you can sample that at the limit of sampling will give you all the mutual information between the X's - nothing more or less

E.g. in the biased die example, every each die roll sample has, in expectation, the same information content, which is the die bias + random noise, and so the mutual info of n rolls is the die bias itself

(where "different X's" above can be thought of as different (or the same) distributions over the observation space of X corresponding to the different sampling instances, perhaps a non-standard framing)

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