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There seems to be a minor autocorrect issue in this article. It seems to me the example might have been intended to read "or ability" instead of "of ability"

When a rigorous double-blind medical treatment study is made, sometimes it is canceled before the results are complete because the obvious result is unjust suffering. This is an application of trying to cause the least harm justified by the need for the knowledge.

That seems like it might be a reason for resistance to a slow approach in some cases.

This was "in my opinion" an element central to the political divisions that led to the civil war in the US.

There were alternatives other than "abolition of slavery with no restitution" under discussion, but there was no successful compromise.

An irreduceable plurality of the southern political class considered the loss of the economic and political power they had to be unjust suffering.

A majority of the Christian middle class in the north considered leaving another generation of chattel slaves to be bred and kept to be unjust suffering.

Between those two more extreme groups, the people interested in finding an organized peaceful compromise to replace the "evil" with "lesser evil" were defeated. To be fair, this was a failure that came after many compromise measures were tried, such as making it illegal to import slaves, but ok to breed them, and such as making it illegal to own slaves in some states, but making it also illegal to aid someone else's slave in their escape.

The facts seem to indicate to me that there were influential groups for whom "further study" was not considered to be a sincere request, but only a tactic to get what their opposition wanted.

The northern pro-abolition extremists felt like the south only would recommend further study in order to keep what they had as long as possible.

The southern pro-slavery extremists felt like the north would only recommend further study in order to create another stick to beat them with in the political arena.

There was some evidence supporting these feelings on both sides.

So in summary, I think the civil war was a less effective way to solve the evil of chattel slavery, because the people of the US were unable to work together to build a lasting "then what" plan. This seems like it supports Zubon's premise pretty well

I feel like you are using some hyperbole (or just exaggeration) here in a way that waters down your main point. For example, when you say "countless generations" were raised with specific gender identity templates like yours, and with public school teachers making corrections with red pen, you are talking about 8, I think, probably between 1870 and 2020, and only in the US?

Wow, cue sinister violin riffs as a scrolling footnote reminds me of the 3/5-of-a-person census rule for slaves in US history. 0/5 as proposed for Aragorn might have been considered as an alternative that led to a compromise.

Thank you for this. This article brought me to join this community, because it was wisdom that I could easily absorb.