Wiki Contributions


OpenAI is not evil. They are just defecting on an epistemic prisoner's dilemma.

Maybe some kind of simulated long-reflection type thing like QACI where "doing philosophy" basically becomes "predicting how humans would do philosophy if given lots of time and resources"

Yes, amount of utopiastuff across all worlds remains constant, or possibly even decreases! But I don't think amount-of-utopiastuff is the thing I want to maximize. I'd love to live in a universe that's 10% utopia and 90% paperclips! I much prefer that to a 90% chance of extinction and a 10% chance of full-utopia. It's like insurance. Expected money goes down, but expected utility goes up.

Decision theory does not imply that we get to have nice things, but (I think) it does imply that we get to hedge our insane all-or-nothing gambles for nice things, and redistribute the nice things across more worlds.

Pi Rogers3mo3-4

I think this is only true if we are giving the AI a formal goal to explicitly maximize, rather than training the AI haphazardly and giving it a clusterfuck of shards. It seems plausible that our FAI would be formal-goal aligned, but it seems like UAI would be more like us unaligned humans—a clusterfuck of shards. Formal-goal AI needs the decision theory "programmed into" its formal goal, but clusterfuck-shard AI will come up with decision theory on its own after it ascends to superintelligence and makes itself coherent. It seems likely that such a UAI would end up implementing LDT, or at least something that allows for acausal trade across the Everett branches.

Fixed it! Thanks! It is very confusing that half the time people talk about loss functions and the other half of the time they talk about utility functions

Solution to 8 implemented in python using zero self-reference, where you can replace f with code for any arbitrary function on string x (escaping characters as necessary):

def ff(x):
return eval(f)
(lambda s : print(ff('f='+chr(34)+f+chr(34)+chr(10)+'def ff(x):'+chr(10)+chr(9)+'return eval(f)'+chr(10)+s+'('+chr(34)+s+chr(34)+')')))("(lambda s : print(ff('f='+chr(34)+f+chr(34)+chr(10)+'def ff(x):'+chr(10)+chr(9)+'return eval(f)'+chr(10)+s+'('+chr(34)+s+chr(34)+')')))")

edit: fixed spoiler tags