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I am looking for a study partner who wants to Machine learning concepts with me and perhaps even work on some mini projects together. It should be someone who is serious about Data Science and ML. At the moment, I'm going through Jason Brownlee's excellent ("advanced") primer on LSTMs as well as reading Kaggle threads on LSTM classifiers that ranked highly in the Kaggle competition. What I'm missing is fellow learners willing to hash through the material to discuss and clarify ideas. Want to join me? Feel free to contact me at: (john dot strong at etherpros dot com)(website:

I am looking for a study partner who wants to Machine learning concepts with me and perhaps even work on some mini projects together. It should be someone who is serious about developing Data Science and ML engineering skills. At the moment, I'm going through Jason Brownlee's excellent ("advanced") primer on LSTMs as well as reading Kaggle threads on LSTM classifiers that ranked highly in the Kaggle competition. What I'm missing is fellow learners willing to hash through the material to discuss and clarify ideas. Want to join me? Feel free to contact me at: (john dot strong at etherpros dot com)(website: