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I think I have two disagreements with your assessment. 

First, the probability of a random independent AI researcher or hobbyist discovering a neat hack to make AI training cheaper and taking over. GPT4 took 100M$ to train and is not enough to go FOOM. To train the same thing within the budget of the median hobbyist would require algorithmic advantages of three or four orders of magnitude. 

Historically, significant progress has been made by hobbyists and early pioneers, but mostly in areas which were not under intense scrutiny by established academia. Often,  the main achievement of a pioneer is discovering a new field, them picking all the low-hanging fruits is more of a bonus. If you had paid a thousand mathematicians to think about signal transmission on a telegraph wire or semaphore tower, they probably would have discovered Shannon entropy. Shannon's genius was to some degree looking into things nobody else was looking into which later blew up into a big field. 

It is common knowledge that machine learning is a booming field. Experts from every field of mathematics have probably thought if there is a way to apply their insights to ML. While there are certainly still discoveries to be made, all the low-hanging fruits have been picked. If a hobbyist manages to build the first ASI, that would likely be because they discover a completely new paradigm -- perhaps beyond NNs. The risk that a hobbyist discovers a concept which lets them use their gaming GPU to train an AGI does not seem that much higher than in 2018 -- either would be completely out of the left field. 

My second disagreement is the probability of an ASI being roughly aligned with human values, or to be more precise, the difference of that probability conditional on who discovers it. The median independent AI enthusiast is not a total asshole [citation needed], so if alignment is easy and they discover ASI, chances are that they will be satisfied with becoming the eternal god emperor of our light cone and not bother to tell their ASI to turn any any huge number of humans to fine red mist. This outcome will not be so different than if Facebook develops an aligned ASI first. If alignment is hard -- which we have some reason to believe it is -- then the hobbyist who builds ASI by accident will doom the world, but I am also rather cynical about the odds of big tech having much better odds. 

Going full steam ahead is useful if (a) the odds of a hobbyist building ASI if big tech stops capability research are significant and (b) alignment is very likely for big tech and unlikely for the hobbyist. I do not think either one is true. 

Maybe GPT-5 will be extremely good at interpretability, such that it can recursively self improve by rewriting its own weights.

I am by no means an expert on machine learning, but this sentence reads weird to me. 

I mean, it seems possible that a part of a NN develops some self-reinforcing feature which uses the gradient descent (or whatever is used in training) to go into a particular direction and take over the NN, like a human adrift on a raft in the ocean might decide to build a sail to make the raft go into a particular direction. 

Or is that sentence meant to indicate that an instance running after training might figure out how to hack the computer running it so it can actually change it's own weights?

Personally, I think that if GPT-5 is the point of no return, it is more likely that it is because it would be smart enough to actually help advance AI after it is trained. While improving semiconductors seems hard and would require a lot of work in the real world done with human cooperation, finding better NN architectures and training algorithms seems like something well in the realm of the possible, if not exactly plausible.

So if I had to guess how GPT-5 might doom humanity, I would say that in a few million instance-hours it figures out how to train LLMs of its own power for 1/100th of the cost, and this information becomes public. 

The budgets of institutions which might train NN probably follows some power law, so if training cutting edge LLMs becomes a hundred times cheaper, the number of institutions which could build cutting edge LLMs becomes many orders of magnitude higher -- unless the big players go full steam ahead towards a paperclip maximizer, of course. This likely mean that voluntary coordination (if that was ever on the table) becomes impossible. And setting up a worldwide authoritarian system to impose limits would also be both distasteful and difficult. 

I think that it is obvious that Middle-Endianness is a satisfactory compromise between Big and Little Endian. 

More seriously, it depends on what you want to do with the number. If you want to use it in a precise calculation, such as adding it to another number, you obviously want to process the least significant digits of the inputs first (which is what bit serial processors literally do). 

If I want to know if a serially transmitted number is below or above a threshold, it would make sense to transmit it MSB first (with a fixed length). 

Of course, using integers to count the number of people in India seems like using the wrong tool for the job to me altogether. Even if you were an omniscient ASI, this level of precision would require you to have clear standards at what time a human counts as born and at least provide a second-accurate timestamp or something. Few people care if the population in India was divisible by 17 at any fixed point in time, which is what we would mostly use integers for. 

The natural type for the number of people in India (as opposed to the number of people in your bedroom) would be a floating point number. 

And the correct way to specify a floating point number is to start with the exponent, which is the most important part. You will need to parse all of the bits of the exponent either way to get an idea of the magnitude of the number (unless we start encoding the exponent as a floating point number, again.)

The next most important thing is the sign bit. Then comes the mantissa, starting with the most significant bit. 

So instead of writing 

The electric charge of the electron is .

What we should write is:

The electric charge of the electron is 

Standardizing for a shorter form (1.6e-19 C --> ??) is left as an exercise to the reader, as are questions about the benefits we get from switching to base-2 exponentials (base-e exponentials do not seem particularly handy, I kind of like using the same system of digits for both my floats and my ints) and omitting the then-redundant one in front of the dot of the mantissa. 

The sum of two numbers should have a precision no higher than the operand with the highest precision. For example, adding 0.1 + 0.2 should yield 0.3, not 0.30000000000000004.

I would argue that the precision should be capped at the lowest precision of the operands. In physics, if you add to lengths, 0.123m+0.123456m should be rounded to 0.246m.

Also, IEEE754 fundamentally does not contain information about the precision of a number. If you want to track that information correctly, you can use two floating point numbers and do interval arithmetic. There is even an IEEE standard for that nowadays. 

Of course, this comes at a cost. While monotonic functions can be converted for interval arithmetic, the general problem of finding the extremal values of a function in some high-dimensional domain is a hard problem. Of course, if you know how the function is composed out of simpler operations, you can at least find some bounds. 


Or you could do what physicists do (at least when they are taking lab courses) and track physical quantities with a value and a precision, and do uncertainty propagation. (This might not be 100% kosher in cases where you first calculate multiple intermediate quantities from the same measurement (whose error will thus not be independent) and continue to treat them as if they were. But that might just give you bigger errors.) Also, this relies on your function being sufficiently well-described in the region of interest by the partial derivatives at the central point. If you calculate the uncertainty of  for  using the partial derivatives you will not have fun.

In the subagent view, a financial precommitment another subagent has arranged for the sole purpose of coercing you into one course of action is a threat. 

Plenty of branches of decision theory advise you to disregard threats because consistently doing so will mean that instances of you will more rarely find themselves in the position to be threatened.

Of course, one can discuss how rational these subagents are in the first place. The "stay in bed, watch netflix and eat potato chips" subagent is probably not very concerned with high level abstract planning and might have a bad discount function for future benefits and not be overall that interested in the utility he get from being principled.

To whomever overall-downvoted this comment, I do not think that this is a troll. 

Being a depressed person, I can totally see this being real. Personally, I would try to start slow with positive reinforcement. If video games are the only thing which you can get yourself to do, start there. Try to do something intellectually interesting in them. Implement a four bit adder in dwarf fortress using cat logic. Play KSP with the Principia mod. Write a mod for a game. Use math or Monte Carlo simulations to figure out the best way to accomplish something in a video game even if it will take ten times longer than just taking a non-optimal route. Some of my proudest intellectual accomplishments are in projects which have zero bearing on the real world. 

(Of course, I am one to talk right now. Spending five hours playing Rimworld in a not-terrible-clever way for every hour I work on my thesis.)


You quoted:

the vehicle can cruise at Mach 2.8 while consuming less than half the energy per passenger of a Boeing 747 at a cruise speed of Mach 0.81

This is not how Mach works. You are subsonic iff your Mach number is smaller than one. The fact that you would be supersonic if you were flying in a different medium has no bearing on your Mach number. 

 I would also like to point out that while hydrogen on its own is rather inert and harmless, its reputation in transportation as a gas which stays inert under all practical conditions is not entirely unblemished

The beings travelling in the carriages are likely descendants of survivors of the Oxygen Catastrophe and will require an oxygen-containing atmosphere to survive.

Neglecting nitrogen, you have oxygen surrounded by hydrogen surrounded by oxygen. If you need to escape, you will need to pass through that atmosphere of one bar H2. There is no great way to do that, too little O2 means too little oxidation and suffocation, more O2 means that the your atmosphere is explosive. (The trick with hydrox does not work at ambient pressure.)

Contrast with a vacuum-filled tunnel. If anything goes badly wrong, you can always flood the tunnel with air over a minute, going to conditions which are as safe as a regular tunnel during an accident which is still not all that great. But being 10km up in the air is also not great if something goes wrong.

Barlow's formula means that the material required for a vacuum tunnel scales with the diameter squared. For transporting humans, a diameter of 1m might be sufficient. At least, I would not pay 42 times as much for the privilege of travelling in a 6.5m outer diameter (i.e. 747 sized) cabin instead. Just lie there and sleep or watch TV on the overhead screen. 

If this was true, how could we tell? In other words, is this a testable hypothesis?

This. Physics runs on falsifiable predictions. If 'consciousness can affect quantum outcomes' is any more true than the classic 'there is an invisible dragon in my garage', then discovering that fact would seem easy from an experimentalist standpoint. Sources of quantum randomness (e.g. weak source+detector) are readily available, so any claimant who thinks they can predict or affect their outcomes could probably be tested initially for a few 100$. 


General remark:

One way this could turn out to be true is if it’s a priori more likely that there are special, nonrandom portions of the quantum multiverse we're being sampled from. For example, if we had a priori reasons for expecting that we're in a simulation by some superintelligence trying to calculate the most likely distribution of superintelligences in foreign universes for acausal trade reasons, then we would have a priori reasons for expecting to find ourselves in Everett branches in which our civilization ends up producing some kind of superintelligence – i.e., that it’s in our logical past that our civilization ends up building some sort of superintelligence. 

It is not clear to me that this would result in a lower Kolmogorov complexity at all. Such an algorithm could of course use a pseudo-random number generator for the vast majority quantum events which do not affect p(ASI) (like the creation of CMB photons), but this is orthogonal to someone nudging the relevant quantum events towards ASI. For these relevant events, I am not sure that the description "just do whatever favors ASI" is actually shorter than just the sequence of events.

I mean, if we are simulated by a Turing Machine (which is equivalent to quantum events having a low Kolmogorov complexity), then a TM which just implements the true laws of physics (and cheats with a PNRG, not like the inhabitants would ever notice) is surely simpler than one which tries to optimize towards some distant outcome state. 

As an analogy, think about the Kolmogorov complexity of a transcript of a very long game of chess. If both opponents are following a simple algorithm of "determine the allowed moves, then use a PRNG to pick one of them", that should have a bound complexity. If both are chess AIs which want to win the game (i.e. optimize towards a certain state) and use a deterministic PRNG (lest we are incompressible), the size of your Turing Machine -- which /is/ the Kolmogorov complexity -- just explodes.

Of course, if your goal is to build a universe which invents ASI, do you really need QM at all? Sure, some algorithms run faster in-universe on a QC, but if you cared about efficiency, you would not use so many levels of abstraction in the first place. 

Look at me rambling about universe-simulating TMs. Enough, enough. 

Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time.

(George Carlin)


For this to be a risk, the cancer risk would have to be superlinear in the acetaldehyde concentration. In a linear model, the high local concentrations would not matter overall, because the expected number of mutations you get would not depend on how you distribute the carcinogen among your body cells. 

Or the cells in your mouth or throat could be especially vulnerable to cancer. 

From my understanding, having bacteria in your mouth which break down sugar to ethanol is not some bizarre mad science scheme, but it is something which happens naturally, as an alternative to the lactic acid pathway, and people who never get cavities naturally lucked out on their microbiome. This in turn would mean that even among teetotaler AFR patients there should be an excess of oral cancers, and ideally an inverse correlation between number of lifetime cavities and cancer rates. 

On the meta level, I find myself slightly annoyed if people use image formats to transport text, especially text like the quotes from Scott's FAQ which could be easily copy-pasted into a quotation. Accessibility is probably less of an issue than it was 20 years ago thanks to ML, but this still does not optimize for robustness. 


One thing to keep in mind is that the delta-v required to reach LEO is some 9.3km/s. (Handy map)

This is an upper limit for what delta-v can be militarily useful in ICBMs for fighting on our rock. 

Going from LEO to the moon requires another 3.1km/s. 

This might not seem much, but makes a huge difference in the payload to thruster ratio due to the rocket equation.

If physics were different and the moon was within reach of ICBMs then I imagine it might have become the default test site for nuclear tipped ICBMs. 

Instead, the question was "do we want to develop an expensive delivery system with no military use[1] purely as a propaganda stunt?"

Of course, ten years later, the Outer Space Treaty was signed which prohibits stationing weapons in orbit or on celestial bodies.[2]

  1. ^

    Or no military use until the moon people require nuking, at least.

  2. ^

    The effect of forbidding nuking the moon is more accidental. I guess that if I were a superpower, I would be really nervous if a rival decided to put nukes into LEO where they would pass a few hundred kilometers over my cities and into them with the smallest of nudges. The fact that mankind decided to skip on a race of "who can pollute LEO most by putting most nukes there" (which would have entailed radioactive material being scattered when rockets blow up during launch (as rockets are wont to) as well as IT security considerations regarding authentication and deorbiting concerns[3]) is one of the brighter moments in the history of our species. 

  3. ^

    Apart from 'what if the nuke goes off on reentry?' and 'what if the radioactive material gets scattered' there is also a case to be made that supplying a Great Old Ones with nuclear weapons may not be the wisest choice of action.

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