Wiki Contributions


Answer by RedManMay 02, 202460

Aella has written a bunch on camgirling, including questions to ask yourself about suitability.  The advice is probably applicable to twitch streaming or tiktok video creation too.

Content or product creation online and sales has never been easier, but it's hard work with no guarantee of payoff.

There is a lot written/on youtube about retail arbitrage, if you have stores nearby you might be able to do that.

Fully remote entry level call center/sales jobs are pretty much always hiring, they're pretty demanding though. Staffing agencies can potentially set you up, be ready to do things like convince elderly people to give to a charity.

Longer term, professional certifications in healthcare or IT can usually make a big difference in someone's life.

I'm guessing the funding environment for entrepreneurs isn't great right now, but something is always happening somewhere.

Amazon Mechanical Turk used to be a decent way of doing boring work for a little money.

Free money from the government is a thing, but services for people who don't have kids are few and far between.

Starting from zero today is hard, but the best thing you can do is get out there and start trying stuff.  You don't have any opportunity cost for trying things, which isn't true for a lot of people.  You can go into the unknown knowing that the alternative (your present situation) is complete crap.

Good luck!


Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution that scales, and I don't think there is one.

I suspect that a clean environment is incompatible with most technological infrastructure.  Microplastics, oilfield brines, combustion products, industrial/agricultural/mining waste, etc all accumulate in the environment and concentrate on the way up the food chain. Even a strip mall generates a ton of pollution in the nearby water table.

I've given up on 'pure' and just try to have a clear understanding of how I'm poisoning myself.  The most depressing thing about this is that I've been to absolutely beautiful farms, with happy animals...and in my due diligence discovered that the reason it was affordable to homestead there is because the textile plant closed in the 70s, so all the jobs left...but the PFOAs stuck around.

So... I try to know what's going into my body, avoid poison where possible, and do my best to get whatever garbage is accumulating out.

That being said, I think the stuff that has done the most damage to my body are medical products.  Read those labels carefully!


Every time you use an AI tool to write a regex to replace your ML classifier, you're doing this.

RedMan10d10 more recent source on hexane tox.  

I'm not just talking about the hexane (which isn't usually standardized enough to generalize about), I'm talking about any weird crap on the seed, in the hopper, in the hexane, or accumulated in the process machinery.  Hexane dissolves stuff, oil dissolves stuff, and the steam used to crash the hexane out of the oil also dissolves stuff, and by the way, the whole process is high temp and pressure.

There's a ton of batch to batch variability and opportunity to introduce chemistry you wouldn't want in your body which just isn't present with "I squeezed some olives between two giant rocks"

By your logic, extra virgin olive oil is a waste, just use the olive pomace oil, it's the same stuff, and the solvent extraction vs mechanical pressing just doesn't matter.


Once you start adding chemistry, things can get weird fast.  For example, a particular class of antibiotics may be behind the boost in diabetes in the US:

Seed oils are usually solvent extracted, which makes me wonder, how thoroughly are they scrubbed of solvent, what stuff in the solvent is absorbed into the oil (also an effective solvent for various things), etc

Glyphosate for dessication is kind of horrifying, I'm surprised I didn't know about it, but this explains a lot.

Basically all fish in the USA should only be eaten once a year due to PFAS contamination, and unfortunately trophic magnification seems to be a thing for those chemicals:

Solving the 'how do I get uncontaminated food' problem is an enduring challenge that is likely to get worse.  I'm looking forward to a warehouse or homestead scale bioreactor produced protein (solein can probably be done at this scale), synthetic omega 3s are unfortunately not yet available for a bunch of reasons, but cautious optimism on that front: is reasonable (though synthetic versions will likely be solvent extracted, so we're back to the earlier problem!)

I tend to think that composition of the diet in terms of macros, nutrients, etc probably is far less of a driver of health than presence or absence of pollution.


A lot of voting schemes look like effective ways of consensus decisionmaking among aligned groups, but stop working well once multiple groups with competing interests start using the voting scheme to compete directly.


I think the effectiveness of this scheme, like voting systems in practice, would be severely affected by the degree of pre-commitment transparency (does everyone know who has committed exactly what prior to settlement of the vote?  Does everyone know who has how many votes remaining?  Does everyone know how many total votes were spent on something that passed?) and the interaction of 'saved votes' with turnover of voting officials (due to death, loss of election, etc).  For example, could a 'loser seat' with a lot of saved votes suddenly become unusually valuable?


With regard to transparency, ballot anonymity is necessary so that outside parties seeking to influence the election cannot receive a receipt from a voter who was purchased or coerced.  Public precommitment to positions would likely be even more exploitable than public knowledge of who proposed what and who voted in which direction.


Do you have any thoughts in this direction?


Check it out, obesity can be treated with a vaccine.

They use the AAV vector that the J&J/astrazeneca vaccines used to encode a hormone that naturally occurs in the body, shot it into fat mice, and the fat mice started excreting all their visceral fat as sebum (so they got greasy hair).

Obesity is a public health emergency, there is no lasting treatment, diet and exercise don't work for most people.  This study used more mice than the vaccine booster study did, so I think it's enough to justify an emergency use authorization, and start putting it into arms.

Also, fat people are a burden on society, they're selfish, gluttinous, require weird special engineering like large seats, and are just generally obnoxious, so anyone who is at risk of obesity (which is everyone) should be mandated to get the anti fat shot, or be denied medical care for things like organ transplants.


Am i doin it rite?


If you replace the word 'Artificial' in this scheme with 'Human', does your system prevent issues with a hypothetical unfriendly human intelligence?

John von Neumann definitely hit the first two bullets, and given that the nuclear bomb was built and used, it seems like the third applies as well.  I'd like to believe that similarly capable humans exist today.


Very dangerous: Able to cause existential catastrophe, in the absence of countermeasures.
Transformatively useful: Capable of substantially reducing the risk posed by subsequent AIs[21] if fully deployed, likely by speeding up R&D and some other tasks by a large factor (perhaps 30x).
Uncontrollable: Capable enough at evading control techniques or sabotaging control evaluations that it's infeasible to control it.[22]


Zhao Gao was contemplating treason but was afraid the other officials would not heed his commands, so he decided to test them first. He brought a deer and presented it to the Second Emperor but called it a horse. The Second Emperor laughed and said, "Is the chancellor perhaps mistaken, calling a deer a horse?" Then the emperor questioned those around him. Some remained silent, while some, hoping to ingratiate themselves with Zhao Gao, said it was a horse, and others said it was a deer. Zhao Gao secretly arranged for all those who said it was a deer to be brought before the law and had them executed instantly. Thereafter the officials were all terrified of Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao gained military power as a result of that. (tr. Watson 1993:70)


From Wikipedia.


Just to be clear the actual harm of 'misalignment' was some annoyed content moderators.  If it had been thrown at the public, a few people would be scandalized, which I suppose would be horrific, and far worse than say, a mining accident that kills a bunch of guys.

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