
Wiki Contributions



liability aversion

In maneuver warfare, you get convinced to waste your resources fighting the wrong battles. Journalists are not reliable sources of anything, and fighting in the faction wars around that is probably not pulling the rope sideways.

I believe that one of the effects of the current schooling system is training people to shy away from cruxyness, which makes you somewhat less of a liability for employment.

One of the hypotheses is that hoarding calories is supposed to be a fall preparing for winter thing and something about the modern diet is putting us in that state all the time rather than for three months out of the year. Eating a bunch of root vegetables seems to help. Might be gut microbiome related (starches) and/or hormone related or something else.

Wrt to the calorie deficit really sucking, I found, per the potato diet, that eating potatoes to satiety (wound up being about 25% of calories overall average) removed most of the hard part of the calorie deficit. I still had to pay attention, but I didn't have to try to go to sleep hungry.

It was notable that, in practice, the diet wound up being both low added sugar and low added fat. This has a calorie effect of course, but also some think that these processed carbs and fats are doing some sort of metabolic shenanigans, perhaps being treated by the body structurally as damaged etc.

Seems like you've aggregated lvt with central planning problems. There are multiple proposals to do it other ways.

Physical views are somewhat interesting if you haven't seen them before

Thank you for sharing your experience. There is a balance in societies between tolerance for crime and tolerance for imperfect enforcement of law in ways that might rob the accused of some rights. I don't know much about Taiwan, but by all accounts the Japanese penal system accepts a substantially higher rate of false positives in punishing the accused. This trade-off point might make a lot of sense in a society with a lower overall disposition towards violent crime.

The thief's preferences bear no cost as well. Leaving his preference structure to change arbitrarily to whichever one will drive the highest utility for them. Preference falsification is an undesirable property for a system to incentivize, see strategic voting gameable systems as causing outcomes no-one prefers.

The dimensionality of possible improvements is both hopeful and also daunting. Lots of improvements being possible feels pretty cool in high agency states. Things needing lots of dimensions of improvement before they aren't terrible feels hopeless from low agency states.

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