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"What would you tell yourself, in your nihilistic moments?" In my nihilistic moments, the process of telling myself something, or just general thinking, is not very coherent. But I remember something I read many years ago, an arabic saying : "If you have no problems, buy a goat". I could not understand why I liked this seemingly useless piece of advice; it took a long time to creep up on me . . . . .your wrote "I generally don't care about the truth or falsehood of factual claims either. What does it matter?" This interests me, because it fronts as an observation but this is a feeling isn't? I suspect that this feeling is connected to deeper feelings that are not so easily seen. I am sure that that is where we find what matters. These deeper feelings usually surface via 2 routes, trauma, or, a particular focussed kind of looking. So, why buy a goat? It's about being with people. How much do you want to be with people? And why? If you do not know, look underneath the "don't know". If you find "not caring" look underneath that. This kind of looking is scary but very cool . . . . . Good luck !