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Hi! I wrote two extensions you suggested: 
- "Emotion highlighter" detecting and highlighting paragraphs with 6 basic emotions
It's very basic API call right now, I'll think about improving it once I see if anyone uses it at all and what improvements they want (more emotions / more precise highlighting / better classification?).
- "Simple English translator" converting all text on a webpage into plain English.

They use your OpenAI API key to analyze all text on a webpage once you click the extension, and OpenAI charges $5.00 / 1M input tokens as of the time of writing this comment.


>> High decouplers will notice that, holding preferences constant, offering people an additional choice cannot make them worse off. People will only take the choice if its better than any of their current options.
This is demonstrably untrue in cases of suicide. 70% of people who survive a suicide attempt do not attempt it again, so their decision to try is probably a bout of temporary madness / irrationality, and not an expression of stable well-considered preference for death over life.


Long Live the Queen takes about 4 hours. It would take some luck to beat it on the first try, but generally you win by using common sense and training useful skills.


What were the most impressive results that were supposedly accomplished? Maybe we should run some experiments to see if they can be reproduced?


Interesting post and self-improvement advice!

I want to add to that when you're learning a behavior that is new to you, you want to start out in a low-risk setting. You are probably going to make mistakes. For example, when you first try to act high-status and assertive, you may overdo it and come off as aggressive and rude. So you want to start practicing in a safe setting where mistakes won't cost you a job, e.g. anonymously on the internet or with friends. Or if you do write to your boss, have a friend look over the letter. Then move on to more high stakes situations.

Another caveat is that if you adopted a dysfunctional behavior, it was probably for a reason. There was probably someone in your environment around whom the dysfunctional behavior made complete sense and was the only way to get along with them. They may still be around you. Expect them to blow up. But don't be discouraged, remember most people are not like them.


I appreciate you writing this post! I was curious about the evidence for lab leak, but was too lazy to investigate on my won.

You point out COVID-19 is the only sarbecovirus with furin cleavage site. But couldn't it have evolved by switching host from some other species? According to Nature, "viruses more often evolve by jumping from one host species to another than by remaining within a particular species."

So the general prevalence of furin cleavage sites seems relevant too. Did anyone look into what that is?


Didn't they demonstrate that transformers could be mesaoptimizers? (I never properly understood the paper, so it's a genuine question.) Uncovering Mesaoptimization Algorithms in Transformers


Not to mention that the default result of rebellion is failure. (Figure from


OP doesn't claim that dictators are unchecked in their power, he jokingly claims that dictators and monarchs inevitably end up overthrown. Which is, of course, false: there were ~55 authoritarian leaders in the world in 2015, and 11 of them were 69 years old or older, on their way to die of old age. Dictator's handbook has quite a few examples of dictators ruling until their natural death, too.

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