Stephen McAleese

Computer science master's student interested in AI and AI safety.

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I think this section of the post is slightly overstating the opportunity cost of doing a PhD. PhD students typically spend most of their time on research so ideally, they should be doing AI safety research during the PhD (e.g. like Stephen Casper). If the PhD is in an unrelated field or for the sake of upskilling then there is a more significant opportunity cost relative to working directly for an AI safety organization.

Thank you for explaining PPO. In the context of AI alignment, it may be worth understanding in detail because it's the core algorithm at the heart of RLHF. I wonder if any of the specific implementation details of PPO or how it's different from other RL algorithms have implications for AI alignment. To learn more about PPO and RLHF, I recommend reading this paper: Secrets of RLHF in Large Language Models Part I: PPO.

From reading the codebase, it seems to be a LangChain chatbot powered by the default LangChain OpenAI model which is gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct. The announcement blog post also says it's based on gpt-3.5-turbo.

LLMs aren't that useful for alignment experts because it's a highly specialized field and there isn't much relevant training data. The AI Safety Chatbot partially solves this problem using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) on a database of articles from There also seem to be plans to fine-tune it on a dataset of alignment articles.

OP says that this post is focused on RL policy gradient algorithms (e.g. PPO) where the RL signal is used by gradient descent to update the policy.

But what about Q-learning which is another popular RL algorithm? My understanding of Q-learning is that the policy network takes an observation as input, calculates the value (expected return) of each possible action in the state  and then chooses the action with the highest value.

Does this mean that reward is not the optimization target for policy gradient algorithms but is for Q-learning algorithms?

I agree. GPT-4 is an AGI for the kinds of tasks I care about such as programming and writing. ChatGPT4 in its current form (with the ability to write and execute code) seems to be at the expert human level in many technical and quantitative subjects such as statistics and programming.

For example, last year I was amazed when I gave ChatGPT4 one of my statistics past exam papers and it got all the questions right except for one which involved interpreting an image of a linear regression graph. The questions typically involve understanding the question, thinking of an appropriate statistical method, and doing calculations to find the right answer. Here's an example question:

Times (in minutes) for a sample of 8 players are presented in Table 1 below. Using an appropriate test at the 5% significance level, investigate whether there is evidence of a decrease in the players’ mean 5k time after the six weeks of training. State clearly your assumptions and conclusions, and report a p-value for your test statistic.

The solution to this question is a paired sample t-test.

Sure, GPT-4 has probably seen similar questions before but so do students since they can practice past papers.

This year, one of my professors designed his optimization assignment to be ChatGPT-proof but I found that it could still solve five out of six questions successfully. The questions involved converting natural language descriptions of optimization problems into mathematical formulations and solving them with a program.

One of the few times I've seen GPT-4 genuinely struggle to do a task is when I asked it to solve a variant of the Zebra Puzzle which is a challenging logical reasoning puzzle that involves updating a table based on limited information and using logical reasoning and a process of elimination to find the correct answer.

Answer by Stephen McAleeseMar 01, 202430

I wrote a blog post on whether AI alignment can be automated last year. The key takeaways:

  • There's a chicken-and-egg problem where you need the automated alignment researcher to create the alignment solution but the alignment solution is needed before you can safely create the automated alignment researcher. The solution to this dilemma is an iterative bootstrapping process where the AI's capabilities and alignment iteratively improve each other (a more aligned AI can be made more capable and a more capable AI can create a more aligned AI and so on).
  • Creating the automated alignment researcher only makes sense if it is less capable and general than a full-blown AGI. Otherwise, aligning it is just as hard as aligning AGI.

There's no clear answer to this question because it depends on your definition of "AI alignment" work. Some AI alignment work is already automated today such as generating datasets for evals, RL from AI feedback, and simple coding work. On the other hand, there are probably some AI alignment tasks that are AGI-complete such as deep, cross-domain, and highly creative alignment work.

The idea of the bootstrapping strategy is that as the automated alignment researcher is made more capable, it improves its own alignment strategies which enables further capability and alignment capabilities and so on. So hopefully there is a virtuous feedback loop over time where more and more alignment tasks are automated.

However, this strategy relies on a robust feedback loop which could break down if the AI is deceptive, incorrigible, or undergoes recursive self-improvement and I think these risks increase with higher levels of capability.

I can't find the source but I remember reading somewhere on the MIRI website that MIRI aims to do work that can't easily be automated so Eliezer's pessimism makes sense in light of that information.

Further reading:

Strong upvote. I think this is an excellent, carefully written, and timely post. Explaining issues that may arise from current alignment methods is urgent and important. It provides a good explanation of the unidentifiability or inner alignment problem that could arise from advanced AIs systems trained with current behavioral safety methods. It also highlights the difficulty of making AIs that can automate alignment research which is part of OpenAI's current plan. I also liked the in-depth description of what advanced science AIs would be capable of as well as the difficulty of keeping humans in the loop.

Nice post! The part I found most striking was how you were able to use the mean difference between outputs on harmful and harmless prompts to steer the model into refusing or not. I also like the refusal metric which is simple to calculate but still very informative.

TL;DR: Private AI companies such as Anthropic which have revenue-generating products and also invest heavily in AI safety seem like the best type of organization for doing AI safety research today. This is not the best option in an ideal world and maybe not in the future but right now I think it is.

I appreciate the idealism and I'm sure there is some possible universe where shutting down these labs would make sense but I'm quite unsure about whether doing so would actually be net-beneficial in our world and I think there's a good chance it would be net-negative in reality.

The most glaring constraint is finances. AI safety is funding-constrained so this is worth mentioning. Companies like DeepMind and OpenAI spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year on staff and compute and I doubt that would be possible in a non-profit. Most of the non-profits working on AI safety (e.g. Redwood Research) are small with just a handful of people. OpenAI changed their company from a non-profit to a capped for-profit because they realized that being a non-profit would have been insufficient for scaling their company and spending. OpenAI now generates $1 billion in revenue and I think it's pretty implausible that a non-profit could generate that amount of income.

The other alternative apart from for-profit companies and philanthropic donations is government funding. It is true that governments fund a lot of science. For example, the US government funds 40% of basic science research. And a lot of successful big science projects such as CERN and the ITER fusion project seem to be mostly government-funded. However, I would expect a lot of government-funded academic AI safety grants to be wasted by professors skilled at putting "AI safety" in their grant applications so that they can fund whatever they were going to work on anyway. Also, the fact that the US government has secured voluntary commitments from AI labs to build AI safely gives me the impression that governments are either unwilling or incapable of working on AI safety and instead would prefer to delegate it to private companies. On the other hand, the UK has a new AI safety institute and a language model task force.

Another key point is research quality. In my opinion, the best AI safety research is done by the big labs. For example, Anthropic created constitutional AI and they also seem to be a leader in interpretability research. I think empirical AI safety work and AI capabilities work involve very similar skills (coding etc.) and therefore it's not surprising that leading AI labs also do the best empirical AI safety work. There are several other reasons for explaining why big AI labs do the best empirical AI safety work. One is talent. Top labs have the money to pay high salaries which attracts top talent. Work in big labs also seems more collaborative than in academia which seems important for large projects. Many top projects have dozens of authors (e.g. the Llama 2 paper). Finally, there is compute. Right now, only big labs have the infrastructure necessary to do experiments on leading models. Doing experiments such as fine-tuning large models requires a lot of money and hardware. For example, this paper by DeepMind on reducing sycophancy apparently involved fine-tuning the 540B PaLM model which is probably not possible for most independent and academic researchers right now and consequently, they usually have to work with smaller models such as Llama-2-7b. However, the UK is investing in some new public AI supercomputers which hopefully will level the playing field somewhat. If you think theoretical work (e.g. agent foundations) is more important than empirical work then big labs have less of an advantage. Though DeepMind is doing some of that too.

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