Tao Lin

Wiki Contributions


Tao Lin20

the reason why etched was less bandwidth limited is they traded latency for throughput by batching prompts and completions together. Gpus could also do that but they don't to improve latency

Tao Lin10

the reason airplanes need speed is basically because their propeller/jet blades are too small to be efficient at slow speed. You need a certain amount of force to lift off, and the more air you push off of at once the more force you get per energy. The airplanes go sideways so that their wings, which are very big, can provide the lift instead of their engines. Also this means that if you want to go fast and hover efficiently, you need multiple mechanisms because the low volume high speed engine won't also be efficient at low speed

Tao Lin10

yeah learning from distant near misses is important! Feels that way in risky electric unicycling. 

Tao Lin123

No, the mi300x is not superior to nvidias chips, largely because It costs >2x to manufacture as nvidias chips

Tao Lin32

This makes a much worse lesswrong post than twitter thread, it's just a very rudimentary rehashing of very long standing debates

Tao Lin30

for reference, just last week i rented 3 8xh100 boxes without any KYC

Tao Lin10

I don't think slaughtering billions of people would be very useful. As a reference point, wars between countries almost never result in slaughtering that large a fraction of people

Tao Lin1-9

lol Paul is a very non-disparaging person. He always makes his criticism constructive, i don't know if there's any public evidence of him disparaging anyone regardless of NDAs

Tao Lin20

I've recently gotten into partner dancing and I think it's a pretty superior activity

Tao Lin19

One lesson you could take away from this is "pay attention to the data, not the process" - this happened because the data had longer successes than failures. If successes were more numerous than failures, many algorithms would have imitated those as well with null reward.

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