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I like your reasoning but my stance still remains. In the above explained situations I would say that in that case simply put their are multiple answers each of which can in the eyes of a different person he true or false. It is evident that each person is entitled to their own opinion so it is up to your own reasoning capabilities to tell whether you view it as true or false. but what I am stating is sometime they literally say it is both good and bad. Like he killed a man so its bad BUT that man who was killed had also killed a man so it was good. Choose one it cant be both and the judge of any court knows that.

Thank you for your spot on description of your emotions as it relates to this topic as I can truthfully say that I am in complete agreement with all of your statements and I deduce that this argument is correct in my perspective, and also I'll bear on mind that final notion... They are unique pieces indeed... Hahaha!

I am disgusted and confused when an individual gives an argument and refuses to give basis or evidence that proves that their statement is true or false. A statement can either be true or false, never both, so how is it that some people come with a philosophy that dictates that it is possible for a statement to somehow be 'border line' or just in between right or wrong. No matter the appearance a statement can only be one of the two coexisting forces, positive or negative, black or white, right or wrong, bad or good, no grey, no kind ofs, no sort ofs, no in between, nothing can contain fractions of both forces. So if you are reading this and have some form of explanation as to why or how this theory of the existence 'grey' arguments then please do so. I am only 13 tears of age so don't bombard me with indiscribably incomprehensible words, I have a large vocabulary for my age but not an infinite one.