Yoav Ravid


What is the next level of rationality?


“One can do logic without empiricism, but one must never do empiricism without logic.” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

I think this neatly explains why, though we cherish Empiricism, we call ourselves Rationalists. 

Reason must come before observation, for without reason observation cannot be processed and made sense of.

I love how user tooltip now shows a three of their posts (and generally all the new features. You're doing a great Job, LW team!). 

Currently the tooltip shows the 3 most recent posts. It would be nice if it was possible to pin posts on the user page, and then if you did it would prioritise the pinned posts on the tooltip before new posts.


On the other hand, Obsidian doesn't have an option to convert Markdown to rich text, if you want to copy-paste the other way around (say from obsidian to gdocs). Would be nice if it did.

Looking for blog platform/framework recommendations

I had a Wordpress blog, but I don't like wordpress and I want to move away from it. 

Substack doesn't seem like a good option because I want high customizability and multilingual support (my Blog is going to be in English and Hebrew).

I would like something that I can use for free with my own domain (so not Wix).

The closest thing I found to what I'm looking for was MkDocs Material, but it's still geared too much towards documentation, and I don't like its blog functionality enough.

Other requirements: Dark/Light mode, RSS, Newsletter support.

Does anyone have another suggestion? It's fine if it requires a bit of technical skill (though better if it doesn't).

The article you cited has a paywall, so I cannot read it for myself, but Reddit says it's bad, and I'm highly skeptical myself. Wikipedia also doesn't mention any critique that comes anywhere close to what you describe, not even on the talk page. I also tried to search for such criticism somewhere else, and didn't find anything. So I'm confidant that this is wrong, and that the way I described Leopold is largely correct.

Domain: Singing (especially theatre/musicals, but not just)

Link: Excerpt, full interview

Person: Philip Quast

Background: He played Javert in the 10th anniversary rendition of Les Mis.

Why: Philip Quast's has probably done the best performance of Javert, and in the interview he goes through the process of how he figures out how to sing his songs. 

For those who, like me, didn't know the reference

Yoav Ravid1912

I suggested something similar a few months back as a requirement for casting strong votes.

I'd be interested in tacit knowledge videos about writing, if anyone knows any.

Huh. That's not a possibility I considered. I'm still betting it is AI generated but you changed my odds.

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