Metaculus puts 7% on the WHO declaring it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and 2.4% on it killing more than 10,000 people, before 2024.
Both these questions have too short timing: half a year. The real question is will H5N1 pandemic happen in the next 5-10 years, that is, before strong AI. If we extrapolate 2.4% per for half a year – to the next 10 years, it will be around 50 %, which is much less comfortable.
What exactly, in our rational consideration, keeps the risk relatively low? Is it a prior that calamity-level pandemics happen rarely? Is it the fact (?) that today's situation is not that unique? Is it the hope that the virus can "back down", somehow? Is it some fact about general behavior of viruses?
What are the "cruxes" of "the risk is relatively low" prediction, what events would increase/decrease the risk and how much? For example, what happens with the probability if a lot of mammal-to-mammal transmissions start happening? Maybe I've missed it, but Z...
Reusable respirators will work well against any fast-spreading pandemic (assuming no ridiculously-long, asymptomatic incubation periods).
How bad do you think the H5N1 situation is? I tried to search on LessWrong and EffectiveAltruism, but haven't found that much discussion.
When I was reading about H5N1, a lot of my assumptions were broken. I was shocked how vulnerable we are to the most "predictable" threats.
Should/can rationalists take this threat into account? Can this threat warrant even, I dunno, some community-wide preparation?
Edit: this comment gives specific predictions. Can somebody explain the justification behind such predictions? What exactly keeps the risk relatively low?