Imagine that one day you come home to see your neighbors milling about your house and the Publisher's Clearinghouse (PHC) van just pulling away. You know that PHC has been running a new schtick recently of selling $100 lottery tickets to win $10,000 instead of just giving money away. In fact, you've used that very contest as a teachable moment with your kids to explain how once the first ticket of the 100 printed was sold, scratched, and determined not to be the winner -- that the average expected value of the remaining tickets was greater than their cost and they were therefore increasingly worth buying. Now, it's weeks later, most of the tickets have been sold, scratched, and not winners and they came to your house. In fact, there were only two tickets remaining. And you weren't home. Fortunately, your neighbor and best friend Bob asked if he could buy the ticket for you. Sensing a great human interest story (and lots of publicity), PHC said yes. Unfortunately, Bob picked the wrong ticket. After all your neighbors disperse and Bob and you are alone, Bob says that he'd really appreciate it if he could get his hundred dollars back. Is he mugging you? Or, do you give it to him?
The disanalogy here is that you have a long term social relationship with Bob that you don't have with Omega, and the $100 are an investment into that relationship.
The outcomes don't seem to be tied together as they were in the original problem; is it true that if had he won, he would only then have given you the money if, had he not won, you would have given him the $100 back? That isn't clear.
The counterfactual anti-mugging: One day No-mega appears. No-mega is completely trustworthy etc. No-mega describes the counterfactual mugging to you, and predicts what you would have done in that situation not having met No-mega, if Omega had asked you for $100.
If you would have given Omega the $100, No-mega gives you nothing. If you would not have given Omega $100, No-mega gives you $10000. No-mega doesn't ask you any questions or offer you any choices. Do you get the money? Would an ideal rationalist get the money?
Okay, next scenario: you have a magic box with a number p inscribed on it. When you open it, either No-mega comes out (probability p) and performs a counterfactual anti-mugging, or Omega comes out (probability 1-p), flips a fair coin and proceeds to either ask for $100, give you $10000, or give you nothing, as in the counterfactual mugging.
Before you open the box, you have a chance to precommit. What do you do?
Yes, that there can just as easily be a superintelligence that rewards people predicted to act one way as one that rewards people predicted to act the other. Which precommitment is most rational depends depends on the which type you expect to encounter.
I don't expect to encounter either, and on the other hand I can't rule out fallible human analogues of either. So for now I'm not precommitting either way.
You don't precommit to "give away the $100, to anyone who asks". You precommit to give away the $100 in exactly the situation I described. Or, generalizing such precommitments, you just compute your decisions on the spot, in a reflectively consistent fashion. If that's what you want do to with your future self, that is.
there can just as easily be a superintelligence that rewards people predicted to act one way as one that rewards people predicted to act the other.
Yeah, now. But after Omega really, really, appears in front of you, chance of Omega existing is about 1. Chance of No-Mega is still almost non-existent. In this problem, existence of Omega is given. It's not something you are expecting to encounter now, just as we're not expecting to encounter eccentric Kavkan billionaires that will give you money for toxicating yourself. The Kavka's Toxin and the counterfactual mugging present a scenario that is given, and ask you how would you act then.
Philosopher Kenny Easwaran reported in 2007 that:
Josh von Korff, a physics grad student here at Berkeley, and versions of Newcomb’s problem. He shared my general intuition that one should choose only one box in the standard version of Newcomb’s problem, but that one should smoke in the smoking lesion example. However, he took this intuition seriously enough that he was able to come up with a decision-theoretic protocol that actually seems to make these recommendations. It ends up making some other really strange predictions, but it seems interesting to consider, and also ends up resembling something Kantian!
The basic idea is that right now, I should plan all my future decisions in such a way that they maximize my expected utility right now, and stick to those decisions. In some sense, this policy obviously has the highest expectation overall, because of how it’s designed.
Korff also reinvents counterfactual mugging:
...Here’s another situation that Josh described that started to make things seem a little more weird. In Ancient Greece, while wandering on the road, every day one either encounters a beggar or a god. If one encounters a beggar, then one can choose to either give the b
In Ancient Greece, while wandering on the road, every day one either encounters a beggar or a god.
If it's an iterated game, then the decision to pay is a lot less unintuitive.
My two bits: Omega's request is unreasonable.
Precommitting is something that you can only do before the coin is flipped. That's what the "pre" means. Omega's game rewards a precommitment, but Omega is asking for a commitment.
Precommitting is a rational thing to do because before the coin toss, the result is unknown and unknowable, even by Omega (I assume that's what "fair coin" means). This is a completely different course of action than committing after the coin toss is known! The utility computation for precommitment is not and should not be the same as the one for commitment.
In the example, you have access to information that pre-you doesn't (the outcome of the flip). If rationalists are supposed to update on new information, then it is irrational for you to behave like pre-you.
Had the coin come up differently, Omega might have explained the secrets of friendly artificial general intelligence. However, he now asks that you murder 15 people.
Omega remains completely trustworthy, if a bit sick.
Ha, I'll re-raise: Had the coin come up differently, Omega would have filled ten Hubble volumes with CEV-output. However, he now asks that you blow up this Hubble volume.
(Not only do you blow up the universe (ending humanity for eternity) you're glad that Omega showed to offer this transparently excellent deal. Morbid, ne?)
For some reason, raising the stakes in these hypotheticals to the point of actual pain has become reflex for me. I'm not sure if it's to help train my emotions to be able to make the right choices in horrible circumstances, or just my years in the Bardic Conspiracy looking for an outlet.
So imagine yourself in the most inconvenient possible world where Omega is a known feature of the environment and has long been seen to follow through on promises of this type; it does not particularly occur to you or anyone that believing this fact makes you insane.
When I phrase it that way - imagine myself in a world full of other people confronted by similar Omega-induced dilemmas - I suddenly find that I feel substantially less uncomfortable; indicating that some of what I thought was pure ethical constraint is actually social ethical constraint. Still, it may function to the same self-protective effect as ethical constraint.
To add to the comments below, if you're going to take this route, you might as well have already decided that encountering Omega at all is less likely than that you have gone insane.
That may be true, but it's still a dodge. Conditional on not being insane, what's your answer?
Additionally, I don't see why Omega asking you to give it 100 dollars vs 15 human lives necessarily crosses the threshold of "more likely that I'm just a nutbar". I don't expect to talk to Omega anytime soon...
Can you please explain the reasoning behind this? Given all of the restrictions mentioned (no iterations, no possible benefit to this self) I can't see any reason to part with my hard earned cash. My "gut" says "Hell no!" but I'm curious to see if I'm missing something.
There are various intuition pumps to explain the answer.
The simplest is to imagine that a moment from now, Omega walks up to you and says "I'm sorry, I would have given you $10000, except I simulated what would happen if I asked you for $100 and you refused". In that case, you would certainly wish you had been the sort of person to give up the $100.
Which means that right now, with both scenarios equally probable, you should want to be the sort of person who will give up the $100, since if you are that sort of person, there's half a chance you'll get $10000.
If you want to be the sort of person who'll do X given Y, then when Y turns up, you'd better bloody well do X.
If you want to be the sort of person who'll do X given Y, then when Y turns up, you'd better bloody well do X.
Well said. That's a lot of the motivation behind my choice of decision theory in a nutshell.
Thanks, it's good to know I'm on the right track =)
I think this core insight is one of the clearest changes in my thought process since starting to read OB/LW -- I can't imagine myself leaping to "well, I'd hand him $100, of course" a couple years ago.
I feel like a man in an Escher painting, with all these recursive hypothetical mes, hypothetical kuriges, and hypothetical omegas.
I'm saying, go ahead and start by imagining a situation like the one in the problem, except it's all happening in the future -- you don't yet know how the coin will land.
You would want to decide in advance that if the coin came up against you, you would cough up $100.
The ability to precommit in this way gives you an advantage. It gives you half a chance at $10000 you would not otherwise have had.
So it's a shame that in the problem as stated, you don't get to precommit.
But the fact that you don't get advance knowledge shouldn't change anything. You can just decide for yourself, right now, to follow this simple rule:
If there is an action to which my past self would have precommited, given perfect knowledge, and my current preferences, I will take that action.
By adopting this rule, in any problem in which the oppurtunity for precommiting would have given you an advantage, you wind up gaining that advantage anyway.
I'm actually not quite satisfied with it. Probability is in the mind, which makes it difficult to know what I mean by "perfect knowledge". Perfect knowledge would mean I also knew in advance that the coin would come up tails.
I know giving up the $100 is right, I'm just having a hard time figuring out what worlds the agent is summing over, and by what rules.
ETA: I think "if there was a true fact which my past self could have learned, which would have caused him to precommit etc." should do the trick. Gonna have to sleep on that.
ETA2: "What would you do in situation X?" and "What would you like to pre-commit to doing, should you ever encounter situation X?" should, to a rational agent, be one and the same question.
ETA2: "What would you do in situation X?" and "What would you like to pre-commit to doing, should you ever encounter situation X?" should, to a rational agent, be one and the same question.
...and that's an even better way of putting it.
I work on AI. In particular, on decision systems stable under self-modification. Any agent who does not give the $100 in situations like this will self-modify to give $100 in situations like this. I don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about decision theories that are unstable under reflection. QED.
If you need special cases, your decision theory is not consistent under reflection. In other words, it should simply always do the thing that it would precommit to doing, because, as MBlume put it, the decision theory is formulated in such fashion that "What would you precommit to?" and "What will you do?" work out to be one and the same question.
Nope. I don't care what quirks in my neurology do - I don't care what answer the material calculator returns, only the answer to 2 + 2 = ?
This requires though that Omega have decided to make the bet in a fashion which exhibited no dependency on its advance knowledge of the coin.
My name is Omega. You may have heard of me.
Anyway, I have just tossed a fair coin, and given that the coin came up tails, I'm gonna have to ask each of you to give me $100. Whatever you do in this situation, nothing else will happen differently in reality as a result. Naturally you don't want to give up your $100. But see, if the coin came up heads instead of tails, I'd have given you each $10000, but only to those that would agree to give me $100 if the coin came up tails.
You know, if Omega is truly doing a full simulation of my cognitive algorithm, then it seems my interactions with him should be dominated by my desire for him to stop it, since he is effectively creating and murdering copies of me.
The decision doesn't need to be read off from a straightforward simulation, it can be an on-demand, so to say, reconstruction of the outcome from the counterfactual. I believe it should be possible to calculate just your decision, without constructing a morally significant computation. Knowing your decision may be as simple as checking whether you adhere a certain decision theory.
I guess I'm a bit tired of "God was unable to make the show today so the part of Omniscient being will be played by Omega" puzzles, even if in my mind Omega looks amusingly like the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Particularly in this case where Omega is being explicitly dishonest - Omega is claiming to be either be sufficiently omniscient to predict my actions, or insufficiently omniscient to predict the result of a 'fair' coin, except that the 'fair' coin is explicitly predetermined to always give the same result . . . except . . .
What's the point of using rationalism to think things through logically if you keep placing yourself into illogical philosophical worlds to test the logic?
I convinced myself to one-box in Newcomb by simply treating it as if the contents of the boxes magically change when I made my decision. Simply draw the decision tree and maximize u-value.
I convinced myself to cooperate in the Prisoner's Dilemma by treating it as if whatever decision I made the other person would magically make too. Simply draw the decision tree and maximize u-value.
It seems that Omega is different because I actually have the information, where in the others I don't.
For example, In Newcomb, if we could see the contents of both boxes, then...
Related to: Can Counterfactuals Be True?, Newcomb's Problem and Regret of Rationality.
Imagine that one day, Omega comes to you and says that it has just tossed a fair coin, and given that the coin came up tails, it decided to ask you to give it $100. Whatever you do in this situation, nothing else will happen differently in reality as a result. Naturally you don't want to give up your $100. But see, Omega tells you that if the coin came up heads instead of tails, it'd give you $10000, but only if you'd agree to give it $100 if the coin came up tails.
Omega can predict your decision in case it asked you to give it $100, even if that hasn't actually happened, it can compute the counterfactual truth. Omega is also known to be absolutely honest and trustworthy, no word-twisting, so the facts are really as it says, it really tossed a coin and really would've given you $10000.
From your current position, it seems absurd to give up your $100. Nothing good happens if you do that, the coin has already landed tails up, you'll never see the counterfactual $10000. But look at this situation from your point of view before Omega tossed the coin. There, you have two possible branches ahead of you, of equal probability. On one branch, you are asked to part with $100, and on the other branch, you are conditionally given $10000. If you decide to keep $100, the expected gain from this decision is $0: there is no exchange of money, you don't give Omega anything on the first branch, and as a result Omega doesn't give you anything on the second branch. If you decide to give $100 on the first branch, then Omega gives you $10000 on the second branch, so the expected gain from this decision is
-$100 * 0.5 + $10000 * 0.5 = $4950
So, this straightforward calculation tells that you ought to give up your $100. It looks like a good idea before the coin toss, but it starts to look like a bad idea after the coin came up tails. Had you known about the deal in advance, one possible course of action would be to set up a precommitment. You contract a third party, agreeing that you'll lose $1000 if you don't give $100 to Omega, in case it asks for that. In this case, you leave yourself no other choice.
But in this game, explicit precommitment is not an option: you didn't know about Omega's little game until the coin was already tossed and the outcome of the toss was given to you. The only thing that stands between Omega and your 100$ is your ritual of cognition. And so I ask you all: is the decision to give up $100 when you have no real benefit from it, only counterfactual benefit, an example of winning?
P.S. Let's assume that the coin is deterministic, that in the overwhelming measure of the MWI worlds it gives the same outcome. You don't care about a fraction that sees a different result, in all reality the result is that Omega won't even consider giving you $10000, it only asks for your $100. Also, the deal is unique, you won't see Omega ever again.