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I've been wanting to set LessWrong as my home page for a while but kept avoiding it because the site is so visibly bright.

I looked up ways of viewing the site without hurting my eyes and found https://www.greaterwrong.com, but didn't really like it.

Then I found https://github.com/lfaucon/lessbright, which looked right, but wasn't technically the real LessWrong site (which meant it couldn't tell I was logged in, among other things).

But I already use Stylus to apply stylesheet modifications to webpages, so I looked at lessbright's source code, found the CSS code it used to change the site's appearance, and applied a modified version of that to a new Stylus style:

html {
	margin: 0px;
	filter: invert(100%);
body {
	margin: 0px;
	background-color: black;
img, iframe {
	filter: invert(100%);
.intercom-lightweight-app, intercom-namespace, div.grecaptcha-badge {
	display: none !important;

And now the site looks exactly how I want it!


Just figured I'd share this, in case the site's excessive brightness annoys anyone else.

EDIT: Fixed image inversion.

Great! For people who are bothered by the brightness, this seems like a decent solution for now. We are thinking about creating styling for a proper dark mode, but really unclear what the timeline on that is atm.

I'm glad to hear there's a proper solution planned at some point since mine is somewhat hacky, but I'm not surprised there's no clear timeline.