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Wait, some of y'all were still holding your breaths for OpenAI to be net-positive in solving alignment?

After the whole "initially having to be reminded alignment is A Thing"? And going back on its word to go for-profit? And spinning up a weird and opaque corporate structure? And people being worried about Altman being power-seeking? And everything to do with the OAI board debacle? And OAI Very Seriously proposing what (still) looks to me to be like a souped-up version of Baby Alignment Researcher's Master Plan B (where A involves solving physics and C involves RLHF and cope)? That OpenAI? I just want to be very sure. Because if it took the safety-ish crew of founders resigning to get people to finally pick up on the issue... it shouldn't have. Not here. Not where people pride themselves on their lightness.