
GDM Mech Interp Progress Updates
Fact Finding: Attempting to Reverse-Engineer Factual Recall on the Neuron Level
Mechanistic Interpretability Puzzles
Interpreting Othello-GPT
200 Concrete Open Problems in Mechanistic Interpretability
My Overview of the AI Alignment Landscape

Wiki Contributions


Neel Nanda2dΩ340

Re dictionary width, 2**17 (~131K) for most Gated SAEs, 3*(2**16) for baseline SAEs, except for the (Pythia-2.8B, Residual Stream) sites we used 2**15 for Gated and 3*(2**14) for baseline since early runs of these had lots of feature death. (This'll be added to the paper soon, sorry!). I'll leave the other Qs for my co-authors

Neel Nanda2dΩ564

I haven't fully worked through the maths, but I think both IG and attribution patching break down here? The fundamental problem is that the discontinuity is invisible to IG because it only takes derivatives. Eg the ReLU and Jump ReLU below look identical from the perspective of IG, but not from the perspective of activation patching, I think.

From the title I expected this to be embarrassing for Eliezer, but that was actually extremely sweet, and good advice!

Neel Nanda2dΩ220

Great work! Obviously the results here speak for themselves, but I especially wanted to complement the authors on the writing. I thought this paper was a pleasure to read, and easily a top 5% exemplar of clear technical writing. Thanks for putting in the effort on that.

<3 Thanks so much, that's extremely kind. Credit entirely goes to Sen and Arthur, which is even more impressive given that they somehow took this from a blog post to a paper in a two week sprint! (including re-running all the experiments!!)

It seems like we have significant need for orgs like METR or the DeepMind dangerous capabilities evals team trying to operationalise these evals, but also regulators with authority building on that work to set them as explicit and objective standards. The latter feels maybe more practical for NIST to do, especially under Paul?

Thanks for the clear explanation, Mamba is more cursed and less Transformer like than I realised! And thanks for creating and open sourcing Mamba Lens, it looks like a very useful tool for anyone wanting to build on this stuff

Each element of the  matrix, denoted as , is constrained to the interval . This means that for all , where  indexes the query positions and  indexes the key positions:

Why is this strictly less than 1? Surely if the dot product is 1.1 and you clamp, it gets clamped to exactly 1

Oh nice, I didn't know Evan had a YouTube channel. He's one of the most renowned olympiad coaches and seems highly competent

Neel Nanda21dΩ220

Thanks! I read and enjoyed the book based on this recommendation

I'm in favour of people having hobbies and fun projects to do in their downtime! That seems good and valuable for impact over the longterm, rather than thinking that every last moment needs to be productive

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