The host has requested RSVPs for this event
14 Going0 Maybe1 Can't Go
Timothy Bond
Karl Gallagher
Michael Todhunter
rudolf ordoyne
Greg Kiss
Simon Townsend

Meet at Sisters' Sludge Coffee Cafe and Wine Bar. I will be wearing a "Wall Drug" souvenir shirt with a Jackalope being abducted by a UFO.


Make sure to RSVP so I can give a headcount to the Sisters. Also, note that the kitchen for the cafe closes at 7, so you should eat dinner before arriving, or show up early.


I realized that I could reply to past events to notify people who RSVP'd to them, so if you want to be notified in the future but you don't want me to have your email address, you can RSVP "can't go" - moving forward I will always reply to the last event when arranging a new one. (For today I did all past events because I hadn't done so before, sorry if you get flooded with emails.)

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3 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 5:48 PM

Thanks for putting this together, Timothy! Looking quite forward to it.

Any topics or questions that y’all’d like to make sure we chat about? I’m interested in how the ACX-loving community defines the word “rational”, and what we think are the promising educational interventions for making people such.

Next event will be April 30th - link.

if anyone else is early, i'm the guy in the fire truck red jacket!