The host has requested RSVPs for this event
12 Going6 Maybe2 Can't Go
Paulo Esteves
Lucio Melito
Luís Campos
Luís Campos
daiane bulgarelli
Daniel Sousa
Ana Borges
Rafael D.
Guilherme N.
Filipe C.
Niklas Anzinger
Miguel Lopes
Vasco Amaral Grilo
Niklas Anzinger
Elliot Olds
Gary Mulder
Steve Dyson
Pedro Reis

This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Lisbon, Portugal.

Location: Parque da Pedra at Monsanto Park, spot the tall white guy in pink pants. There's an adjacent road with street parking, and a clearing at that point that opens onto a trail that leads to the park. – ///guitars.record.caps


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