The host has requested RSVPs for this event

2 pm, Sat July 30 

At Champs Sziget, a bar on Margit Island

Even though I know that some of the most noise averse amongst us would prefer to avoid sitting in a bar, I'm feeling elderly today, and don't want to be sitting on a blanket again.

The readings for this month are going to be economic history themed, and I would love it if some of you would give me suggestions for what we should read next month -- anything that struck you as interesting, important, or valuable to read.

A discussion of the difficulties in inventing the bicycle, attempting to answer the century old question of why it took so long for this extremely useful device to be created.

A high level overview of economic growth from prehistoric times to present -- feel free to ignore the other links and bits of blogginess.

Anyways, I hope to see you all there and that we'll have a great of conversation.


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