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3 Going0 Maybe0 Can't Go
Mo Putera
Y.K. Goon

This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Location: We'll meet at Kings Hall Cafe ( We'll have a make-shift ACX sign on the table, so you might have to walk around and look closely. –

Please RSVP on LessWrong so I'm more prepared


For this upcoming meetup, I'm hoping to try something different. I would like us to have something in common to discuss, so please read The Control Group is Out of Control before our meetup. It's a classic SSC write-up recommended by Mo Putera. 

It's a 20-30 minute read and you might need more time to reflect, so I would recommend reading this at least a few days earlier. I'm not sure how this will turn out, so expect some spontaneous changes! 

EDIT (2023-08-23): there are newcomers joining us, so we'll likely have a quick ice-breaker at the start!

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