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Chris Wintergreen

This year's Spring ACX Meetup everywhere in Bordeaux.

Location: Mériadeck, Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, between the fountain and Hôtel du Département (administrative building to the west / nearest short side of Esplanade to the fountain). I will have an A4 «ACX meetup» sign. –

Please RSVP on LessWrong so I see who is coming — email me your phone number if you are likely to be late and you want an SMS when we decide to move away from the meeting point. I will do a «wrap-up» point one hour after the beginning so that those who want to leave can leave and not miss any coordination stuff; I will stay at least two hours if anyone wants to stay that long (and possibly longer, we'll see).


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(I am the organiser and I have posted some of the previous iterations myself, this time the event is created from the Meetups Everywhere list)