If anyone remembers this post I would greatly appreciate a link!
IIRC the authors posted a link to their paper on lesswrong. The paper was about 2 flaws of current social networks and how to fix them. I think the first flaw was duplicate content.
Simon Berens
Aha upon further searching I came across this post: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/HaESgyu2BqDMTpujS/a-better-web-is-coming
It's not the post I remember reading but it's definitely about the same same topic so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If anyone remembers this post I would greatly appreciate a link!
IIRC the authors posted a link to their paper on lesswrong. The paper was about 2 flaws of current social networks and how to fix them. I think the first flaw was duplicate content.