"RL" is a wide umbrella. In principle, you could even train a model with RL such that the gradients match supervised learning. "Avoid RL" is not the most directly specified path to the-thing-we-actually-want.
Consider two opposite extremes:
Clearly, number 2 is going to be easier to train, but it also constrains the solution space for the policy.
If number 1 somehow successfully trained, what's the probability that the solution it found would look like number 2's imitation data? What's the probability it would look anything like a bipedal gait? What's the probability it just exploits the physics simulation to launch itself across the world?
If you condition on a sparse, distant reward function training successfully, you should expect the implementation found by the optimizer to sample from a wide distribution of possible implementations that are compatible with the training environment.
It is sometimes difficult to predict what implementations are compatible with the environment. The more degrees of freedom exist in the environment, the more room the optimizer has to roam. That's where the spookiness comes from.
RL appears to make this spookiness more accessible. It's difficult to use (un)supervised learning in a way that gives a model great freedom of implementation; it's usually learning from a large suite of examples.
But there's a major constraint on RL: in the absence of sufficient environmental structure, reward shaping, or other sources of optimizer guidance, it is nearly impossible for any computationally tractable optimizer to find any implementation for a sparse/distant reward function. It simply won't sample the reward often enough to produce useful gradients.[1]
In other words, practical applications of RL are computationally bounded to a pretty limited degree of reward sparsity/distance. All the examples of "RL" doing interesting things that look like they involve sparse/distant reward involve enormous amounts of implicit structure of various kinds, like powerful world models.[2]
Given these limitations, the added implementation-uncertainty of RL is usually not so massive that it's worth entirely banning it. Do be careful about what you're actually reinforcing, just as you must be careful with prompts or anything else, and if you somehow figure out a way to make from-scratch sparse/distant rewards work better without a hypercomputer, uh, be careful?
The above implicitly assumes online RL, where the policy is able to learn from new data generated by the policy as it interacts with the environment.
Offline RL that learns from an immutable set of data does not allow the optimizer as much room to explore, and many of the apparent risks of RL are far less accessible.
The important thing is that the artifact produced by a given optimization process falls within some acceptable bounds. Those bounds might arise from the environment, computability, or something else, but they're often available.
RL-as-it-can-actually-be-applied isn't that special here. The one suggestion I'd have is to try to use it in a principled way. For example: doing pretraining but inserting an additional RL-derived gradient to incentivize particular behaviors works, but it's just arbitrarily shoving a bias/precondition into the training. The result will be at some equilibrium between the pretraining influence and the RL influence. Perhaps the weighting could be chosen in an intentional way, but most such approaches are just ad hoc.
For comparison, you could elicit similar behavior by including a condition metatoken in the prompt (see decision transformers for an example). With that structure, you can be more explicit about what exactly the condition token is supposed to represent, and you can do fancy interpretability techniques to see what the condition is actually causing mechanistically.[3]
If you could enumerate all possible policies with a hypercomputer and choose the one that performs the best on the specified reward function, that would train, and it would also cause infinite cosmic horror. If you have a hypercomputer, don't do that.
Or in the case of RLHF on LLMs, the fine-tuning process is effectively just etching a precondition into the predictor, not building complex new functions. Current LLMs, being approximators of probabilistic inference to start with, have lots of very accessible machinery for this kind of conditioning process.
There are other options here, but I find this implementation intuitive.
Oh this is a great way of laying it out. Agreed on many points, and I think this may have made some things easier for me to see, likely some of that is actual update that changes opinions I've shared before that you're disagreeing with. I'll have to ponder.
Oh, this is a fascinating perspective.
So most uses of RL already just use a small-bit of RL.
So if the goal was "only use a little bit of RL", that's already happening.
Hmm... I still wonder if using even less RL would be safer still.
I do think that if you found a zero-RL path to the same (or better) endpoint, it would often imply that you've grasped something about the problem more deeply, and that would often imply greater safety.
Some applications of RL are also just worse than equivalent options. As a trivial example, using reward sampling to construct a gradient to match a supervised loss gradient is adding a bunch of clearly-pointless intermediate steps.
I suspect there are less trivial cases, like how a decision transformer isn't just learning an optimal policy for its dataset but rather a supertask: what different levels of performance look like on that task. By subsuming an RL-ish task in prediction, the predictor can/must develop a broader understanding of the task, and that understanding can interact with other parts of the greater model. While I can't currently point to strong empirical evidence here, my intuition would be that certain kinds of behavioral collapse would be avoided by the RL-via-predictor because the distribution is far more explicitly maintained during training.[1][2]
But there are often reasons why the more-RL-shaped thing is currently being used. It's not always trivial to swap over ...
All the examples of "RL" doing interesting things that look like they involve sparse/distant reward involve enormous amounts of implicit structure of various kinds, like powerful world models.
I guess when you say “powerful world models”, you’re suggesting that model-based RL (e.g. MuZero) is not RL but rather “RL”-in-scare-quotes. Was that your intention?
I’ve always thought of model-based RL is a central subcategory within RL, as opposed to an edge-case.
thinking at the level of constraints is useful. very sparse rewards offer less constraints on final solution. imitation would offer a lot of constraints (within distribution and assuming very low loss).
a way to see RL/supervised distinction dissolve is to convert back and forth. With a reward as negative token prediction loss, and actions being the set of tokens, we can simulate auto-regressive training with RL (as mentioned by @porby). conversely, you could first train RL policy and then imitate that (in which case why would imitator be any safer?). ...
If you avoid using RL, then you might need a much "smarter" model for a given level of usefulness.
And even without RL, you need to be getting bits of selection from somewhere: to get useful behavior you have to at the very least specify what useful behavior would be (though the absolute minimum number of bits would be very small given a knowledgable model). (So some selection or steering is surely required, but you might hope this selection/steering is safer for some reason or perhaps more interpretable (like e.g. prompting can in principle be).)
Dramatically cutting down on RL might imply that you need a much, much smarter model overall. (For instance, the safety proposal discussed in "conditioning predictive models" seems to me like it would require a dramatically smarter model than would be required if you used RL normally (if this stuff worked at all).)
Given that a high fraction of the concern (IMO) is proportional to how smart your model is, needing a much smarter model seems very concerning.
Ok, so cutting RL can come with costs, what about the benefits to cutting RL? I think the main concern with RL is that it either teaches the model things that we didn't actually need and which are dangerous or that it gives it dangerous habits/propensities. For instance, it might teach models to consider extremely creative strategies which humans would have never thought of and which humans don't at all understand. It's not clear we need this to do extremely useful things with AIs. Another concern is that some types of outcome-based RL will teach the AI to cleverly exploit our reward provisioning process which results in a bunch of problems.
But, there is a bunch of somewhat dangerous stuff that RL teaches which seems clearly needed for high usefulness. So, if we fix the level of usefulness, this stuff has to be taught to the model by something. For instance, being a competent agent that is at least somewhat aware of its own abilities is probably required. So, when thinking about cutting RL, I don't think you should be thinking about cutting agentic capabilities as that is very likely required.
My guess is that much more of the action is not in "how much RL", but is instead in "how much RL of the type that seems particular dangerous and which didn't result in massive increases in usefulness". (Which mirrors porby's answer to some extent.)
In particular we'd like to avoid:
(Weakly exploitable human feedback without the use of outcomes (e.g. the case where the human reviews the full trajectory and rates how good it seems overall) seems slightly concerning, but much less concerning overall. Weak exploitation could be things like sycophancy or knowing when to lie/deceive to get somewhat higher performance.)
Then the question is just how much of a usefulness tax it is to cut back on these types of RL, and then whether this usefulness tax is worth it given that it implies we have to have a smarter model overall to reach a fixed level of usefulness.
(Type (1) of RL from the above list is eventually required for AIs with general purpose qualitatively wildly superhuman capabilities (e.g. the ability to execute very powerful strategies that humans have a very hard time understanding) , but we can probably get done almost everything we want without such powerful models.)
My guess is that in the absence of safety concerns, society will do too much of these concerning types of RL, but might actually do too little of safer types of RL that help to elicit capabilities (because it is easier to just scale up the model further than to figure out how to maximally elicit capabilities).
(Note that my response ignores the cost of training "smarter" models and just focuses on hitting a given level of usefulness as this seems to be the requested analysis in the question.)
You mention that society may do too little of the safer types of RL. Can you clarify what you mean by this?
Compared to what?
If you want an agentic system (and I think many humans do, because agents can get things done), you've got to give it goals somehow. RL is one way to do that. The question of whether that's less safe isn't meaningful without comparing it to another method of giving it goals.
The method I think is both safer and implementable is giving goals in natural language, to a system that primarily "thinks" in natural language. I think this is markedly safer than any RL proposal anyone has come up with so far. And there are some other options for specifying goals without using RL, each of which does seem safer to me:
Goals selected from learned knowledge: an alternative to RL alignment
I think it's still valid to ask in the abstract whether RL is a particularly dangerous approach to training an AI system.
Some people have suggested that a lot of the danger of training a powerful AI comes from reinforcement learning. Given an objective, RL will reinforce any method of achieving the objective that the model tries and finds to be successful including things like deceiving us or increasing its power.
If this were the case, then if we want to build a model with capability level X, it might make sense to try to train that model either without RL or with as little RL as possible. For example, we could attempt to achieve the objective using imitation learning instead.
However, if, for example, the alternate was imitation learning, it would be possible to push back and argue that this is still a black-box that uses gradient descent so we would have no way of knowing that the internals were safe.
Would this be likely to lead to a safer model or is the risk mostly independent of RL?
Obviously, someone could probably then apply RL to any such model in order to produce a more powerful model. And having a safe model of capacity level X doesn't save you from someone else building an unsafe model of capacity X unless you've got a plan of how to use the model to change the strategic situation.
But I think it's worth considering this question all the same, just in case some of the governance interventions end up bearing fruit and we do end up with the option to accept less powerful systems.