At we decided back in June of last year to capitalise on work I've done in AI back in the late eighties as part of British Telecom's Connex Project. At that time I developed ANELLA, an Associative Network with Emergent Logical and Learning Abilities. As I state in the post's title here, although LLMs were unknown at the time, seen in retrospect, ANELLA was providing a "bottom-up" approach to AI as a more transparent alternative to "top-down" LLMs, also more economical by several orders of magnitude than LLMs. ANELLA was however very much in the same spirit as LLMs of letting the self-organisation that lies in a language's lexicon to bubble up to the surface.

A brief introduction to ANELLA can be found in Luca Possati's The Algorithmic Unconscious (2021). An extensive account can be found in the French book I published at the time: "Principes des systèmes intelligents" (1989), still available as it was reprinted in 2012.

A couple of days ago I started on my YouTube channel a course of lectures in English entitled "Thought as Word Dynamics" where I plan to explain in detail my alternative approach to AI (5 videos have been recorded by now, 3 are already available on YouTube).

Here the first lecture, where I give a historical account of my work in AI:


Now to offer a glimpse at where we currently stand at, here is the first video we've released in February entitled "Self-Aware Machines" (the second video is forthcoming later this month):

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