Getting personalised advice from a real human can help newcomers to AI safety figure out how to contribute most effectively. For example, I (Bryce) ended up in my current role largely thanks to a call with 80,000 Hours.

There are a number of organisations and individuals offering advisory calls, but many people who want to work on AI safety aren’t aware of them. The new Speak to an Advisor page on aims to make them easier to find by listing them all in one place.

In addition to the page being directly discoverable by newcomers, we expect it to serve as a convenient link for people already in AI safety to funnel new prospects toward advisory calls.

Members of the AI safety community who would like to offer calls themselves can do so by setting up a Calendly or similar and registering on this form.

As with all resources on, we’ll work to make sure this page stays up to date. If you notice a correction or potential addition, please let us know via the suggestion form. You can also help us refine the inclusion and ranking of advisors by reviewing an advisor.