Less Wrong/2009 Articles/Summaries

Ruby (+66/-9)
[anonymous] (-33) removed duplicate
[anonymous] (-119) removed some duplicates
[anonymous] (-227) /* The Fun Theory Sequence */ removed duplicate summary
[anonymous] (+25/-22) /* Getting Nearer */ fixed grammar
Wellthisisaninconvenience (+41) /* Final Words */
Wellthisisaninconvenience (+157) /* Bystander Apathy */
Wellthisisaninconvenience (+148) /* The Unfinished Mystery of the Shangri-La Diet */
Wellthisisaninconvenience (+126) /* Extenuating Circumstances */

This page contains summaries of LessWrong posts published in 2009.

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Describes some of the many complex considerations that determine what sort of happiness we most prefer to have - given that many of us would decline to just have an electrode planted in our pleasure centers.

(alternate summary:)

describes some of the many complex considerations that determine what sort of happiness we most prefer to have - given that many of us would decline to just have an electrode planted in our pleasure centers.

How should a rationalistrationalists use their near and far modes of thinking? And how should knowing about near vsversus far modes influence how we present the things we believe to other people.people?

The bystander effect is when groups of people are less likely to take action than an individual. There are a few explanations for why this might be the case.

An intriguing dietary theory which appears to allow some people to lose substantial amounts of weight, but doesn't appear to work at all for others.

You can excuse other people's shortcomings on the basis of extenuating circumstances, but you shouldn't do that with yourself.

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