Methods of Rationality (Fanfiction)/Trigger Warnings

Created by Eliezer Yudkowsky at 4y
  • Discussion (not depiction) of nonconsensual sex.
  • First-person depiction (experienced by viewpoint character) of strong bullying.
  • Psychologically disturbing (usually experienced by viewpoint character) -- psychological instability, implicit signs of severe emotional neglect/trauma/abuse, which the character is unaware, but gradually gains some awareness thereof.instability. Said emotional distress can be highly disturbing for those who have experienced mental illness and/or emotional abuse/neglect, or otherwise doubt (or have previously doubted) their own mental/emotional sanity or stability.... Does not occur in any one specific area, but increases in intensity at least up to Ch. 25.
  • Violent character death. Very large spoiler.

The next update of these warnings will occur...

  • Discussion (not depiction) of nonconsensual sex.
  • First-person depiction (experienced by viewpoint character) of strong bullying.
  • Psychological disturbancePsychologically disturbing (usually experienced by viewpoint character) -- psychological instability, implicit signs of severe emotional neglect/trauma/abuse, which the mind, which could generate discomfortcharacter is unaware, but gradually gains some awareness thereof. Said emotional distress can be highly disturbing for those who have experienced mental illness and/or emotional abuse/neglect, and suffer from instability of mind as a result.or otherwise doubt (or have previously doubted) their own mental/emotional sanity or stability.... Does not occur in any one specific area, but increases in intensity at least up to Ch. 25.
  • Discussion (not depiction) of nonconsensual sex.
  • First-person depiction (experienced by viewpoint character) of strong bullying.
  • Psychological disturbance of the mind, which could generate discomfort for those who have experienced mental illness and/or emotional abuse/neglect, and suffer from instability of mind as a result.

By reader request, a list of trigger warnings, orwarnings - parts of the story with potentially traumatic associations. associations for some readers.

Readers wishing to havefully brace themselves fully braced mentally may click the appropriate links for complete, spoilerized warnings (i.e., deliberately dilute and avert the whole emotional impact).

Readers who do not wish spoilers, but do wish to know which chapters to watch out for, see here.

  • Discussion (not depiction) of nonconsensual sex: Ch. 7, very briefly in an omake in Ch. 11.


  • First-person depiction (experienced by viewpoint character) of intensestrong school bullying. Ch. 19.

By reader request, a list of trigger warnings, or potentially traumatic associations. Readers wishing to have themselves fully braced mentally may click for complete, spoilerized warnings (i.e., deliberately dilute and avert the whole emotional impact).

Discussion (not depiction) of nonconsensual sex: Ch. 7, very briefly in an omake in Ch. 11.

First-person depiction (experienced by viewpoint character) of intense school bullying. Ch. 19.