Cole Wyeth

I am a PhD student in computer science at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Professor Ming Li and advised by Professor Marcus Hutter.

My current research is related to applications of algorithmic probability to sequential decision theory (universal artificial intelligence). Recently I have been trying to start a dialogue between the computational cognitive science and UAI communities (if this includes you, consider contacting me about the reading group). Sometimes I build robots, professionally or otherwise. Another hobby (and a personal favorite of my posts here) is the Sherlockian abduction master list, which is a crowdsourced project seeking to make "Sherlock Holmes" style inference feasible by compiling observational cues. Give it a read and see if you can contribute!

See my personal website for an overview of my interests and work.


Deliberative Algorithms as Scaffolding

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Improving computer security seems possible but there are many other attack vectors. For instance, even if an A.I. can prove a system’s software is secure, it may choose to introduce social engineering style back doors if it is not aligned. It’s true that controlled A.I.‘s can be used to harden society but overall I don’t find that strategy comforting.

I’m not convinced that this induction argument goes through. I think it fails on the first generation that is smarter than humans, for basically Yudkowskian reasons.

Imagine that there are just a few labs with powerful A.I., all of which are responsible enough to use existing A.I. control strategies which have been prepared for this situation, and none of which open source their models. Now if they successfully use their A.I. for alignment, they will also be able to successfully use it for capabilities research. At some point, control techniques will no longer be sufficient, and we have to hope that by then A.I. aided alignment has succeeded enough to prevent bad outcomes. I don’t believe this is a serious possibility; the first A.I. capable of solving the alignment problem completely will also be able to deceive us about solving the alignment problem (more) easily - up to and including this point, A.I. will produce partial, convincing solutions to the alignment problem which human engineers will go forward with. Control techniques will simply threshold (below) the capabilities of the first unaligned A.I. that escapes, which is plausibly a net negative since it means we won’t have early high impact warnings. If occasional A.I. escapes turn out to be non-lethal, economic incentives will favor better A.I. control, so working on this early won’t really matter. If occasional A.I. escapes turn out to be lethal, then we will die unless we solve the alignment problem ourselves.

I also don’t expect us to have robustly solved ASI-alignment in that timeframe. I simply fail to see a history in which AI control work now is a decisive factor. If you insist on making a top level claim that I haven’t thought through the branches of how things go, I’d appreciate a more substantive description of the branch I am not considering.

I do see advantages to hardening important institutions against cyberattacks and increasing individual and group rationality so that humans remain agentic for as long as possible.

I disagree with this take. A.I. control will only be important in a multipolar situation in which no single A.I. system can create a gray goo catastrophe etc. But if such pivotal acts are impossible and no singular A.I. takes control, but instead many A.I.’s are competing, than some groups will develop better or worse control for economic reasons and it won’t affect existential risk much to work on it now. I don’t think I can see a situation where control matters - only a few players have A.G.I. for a very long time and none escape or are open sourced but also none gain a decisive advantage?

I wonder if it’s true that around the age of 30 women typically start to find babies cute and consequently want children, and if so is this cultural or evolutionary? It’s sort of against my (mesoptimization) intuitions for evolution to act on such high-level planning (it seems that finding babies cute can only lead to reproductive behavior through pretty conscious intermediary planning stages). Relatedly, I wonder if men typically have a basic urge to father children, beyond immediate sexual attraction?

Answer by Cole Wyeth50

The things you mentioned were probably all net positive, they just had some negative consequences as well. If you want to drive the far-ish future in a particular direction you’ve just got to accept that you’ll never know for sure that you’re doing a good job.

Though I am working on technical alignment (and perhaps because I know it is hard) I think the most promising route may be to increase human and institutional rationality and coordination ability. This may be more tractable than "expected" with modern theory and tools.

Also, I don't think we are on track to solve technical alignment in 50 years without intelligence augmentation in some form, at least not to the point where we could get it right on a "first critical try" if such a thing occurs. I am not even sure there is a simple and rigorous technical solution that looks like something I actually want, though there is probably a decent engineering solution out there somewhere.

It would certainly be nice if we could agree to all put up a ton of satellites that intercept anyone's nuclear missiles (perhaps under the control of an international body), gradually lowering the risk across the board without massively advantaging any country. But I think it would be impossible to coordinate on this.  

"Optimization power" is not a scalar multiplying the "objective" vector. There are different types. It's not enough to say that evolution has had longer to optimize things but humans are now "better" optimizers:  Evolution invented birds and humans invented planes, evolution invented mitochondria and humans invented batteries. In no case is one really better than the other - they're radically different sorts of things.

Evolution optimizes things in a massively parallel way, so that they're robustly good at lots of different selectively relevant things at once, and has been doing this for a very long time so that inconceivably many tiny lessons are baked in a little bit. Humans work differently - we try to figure out what works for explainable, preferably provable reasons. We also blindly twiddle parameters a bit, but we can only keep so many parameters in mind at once and compare so many metrics - humanity has a larger working memory than individual humans, but the human innovation engine is still driven by linguistic theories, expressed in countable languages. There must be a thousand deep mathematical truths that evolution is already taking advantage of to optimize its DNA repair algorithms, or design wings to work very well under both ordinary and rare turbulent conditions, or minimize/maximize surface tensions of fluids, or invent really excellent neural circuits - without ever actually finding the elaborate proofs. Solving for exact closed form solutions is often incredibly hard, even when the problem can be well-specified, but natural selection doesn't care. It will find what works locally, regardless of logical depth. It might take humans thousands of years to work some of these details out on paper. But once we've worked something out, we can deliberately scale it further and avoid local minima. This distinction in strategies of evolution v.s. humans rhymes with wisdom v.s. intelligence - though in this usage intelligence includes all the insight, except insofar as evolution located and acts through us. As a sidebar, I think some humans prefer an intuitive strategy that is more analogous to evolution's in effect (but not implementation). 

 So what about when humans turn to building a mind? Perhaps a mind is by its nature something that needs to be robust, optimized in lots of little nearly inexplicable ways for arcane reasons to deal with edge cases. After all, isn't a mind exactly that which provides an organism/robot/agent with the ability to adapt flexibly to new situations? A plane might be faster than a bird, throwing more power at the basic aerodynamics, but it is not as flexible - can we scale some basic principles to beat out brains with the raw force of massive energy expenditure? Or is intelligence inherently about flexibility, and impossible to brute force in that way? Certainly it's not logically inconsistent to imagine that flexibility itself has a simple underlying rule - as a potential existence proof, the mechanics of evolutionary selection are at least superficially simple, though we can't literally replicate it without a fast world-simulator, which would be rather complicated. And maybe evolution is not a flexible thing, but only a designer of flexible things. So neither conclusion seems like a clear winner a priori. 

The empirical answers so far seem to complicate the story. Attempts to build a "glass box" intelligence out of pure math (logic or probability) have so far not succeeded, though they have provided useful tools and techniques (like statistics) that avoid the fallacies and biases of human minds. But we've built a simple outer loop optimization target called "next token prediction" and thrown raw compute at it, and managed to optimize black box "minds" in a new way (called gradient descent by backpropogation). Perhaps the process we've capture is a little more like evolution, designing lots of little tricks that work for inscrutable reasons. And perhaps it will work, woe unto us, who have understood almost nothing from it!

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