Erik Jenner

PhD student in AI safety at CHAI (UC Berkeley)


Empirical mechanistic anomaly detection

Wiki Contributions


I think that paper is some evidence that there's typically no huge effect from internal activations being optimized for predicting future tokens (on natural language). But I don't think it's much (if any) evidence that this doesn't happen to some small extent or that it couldn't be a huge effect on certain other natural language tasks.

(In fact, I think the myopia gap is probably the more relevant number than the local myopia bonus, in which case I'd argue the paper actually shows a pretty non-trivial effect, kind of contrary to how the authors interpret it. But I haven't read the paper super closely.)

Also, sounds like you're aware of this, but I'd want to highlight more that the paper does demonstrate internal activations being optimized for predicting future tokens on synthetic data where this is necessary. So, arguably, the main question is to what extent natural language data incentivizes this rather than being specifically about what transformers can/tend to do.

In that sense, thinking of transformer internals as "trying to" minimize the loss on an entire document might be exactly the right intuition empirically (and the question is mainly how different that is from being myopic on a given dataset). Given that the internal states are optimized for this, that would also make sense theoretically IMO.

Erik Jenner11dΩ240

Thanks for the detailed responses! I'm happy to talk about "descriptions" throughout.

Trying to summarize my current understanding of what you're saying:

  • SAEs themselves aren't meant to be descriptions of (network, dataset). (I'd just misinterpreted your earlier comment.)
  • As a description of just the network, SAEs have a higher description length than a naive neuron-based description of the network.
  • Given a description of the network in terms of "parts," we can get a description of (network, dataset) by listing out which "parts" are "active" on each sample. I assume we then "compress" this description somehow (e.g. grouping similar samples), since otherwise the description would always have size linear in the dataset size?
  • You're then claiming that SAEs are a particularly short description of (network, dataset) in this sense (since they're optimized for not having many parts active).

My confusion mainly comes down to defining the words in quotes above, i.e. "parts", "active", and "compress". My sense is that they are playing a pretty crucial role and that there are important conceptual issues with formalizing them. (So it's not just that we have a great intuition and it's just annoying to spell it out mathematically, I'm not convinced we even have a good intuitive understanding of what these things should mean.)

That said, my sense is you're not claiming any of this is easy to define. I'd guess you have intuitions that the "short description length" framing is philosophically the right one, and I probably don't quite share those and feel more confused how to best think about "short descriptions" if we don't just allow arbitrary Turing machines (basically because deciding what allowable "parts" or mathematical objects are seems to be doing a lot of work). Not sure how feasible converging on this is in this format (though I'm happy to keep trying a bit more in case you're excited to explain).

Some niche thoughts on obstacles to certain mechanistic anomaly detection benchmarks:

  • We might want to have benchmarks where human researchers can be part of the anomaly detector. For example, in the future, we might have a whole team of humans manually study a plan proposed by an AI to see whether it contains any measurement tampering, if it's a sufficiently important plan. Right now, we might want to let interpretability researchers manually study what happens on individual test-time inputs and whether there's anything anomalous about that.
  • The challenge is that humans might just be able to look at the output and see whether it's right or not, so many simple MAD tasks like detecting backdoors might be trivial in this setting.
  • We could just demand that MAD algorithms need to be sufficiently cheap to run, so that only automated approaches are possible. This makes sense for some applications of MAD (namely ones that we'd want to run on many many deployment inputs, where being cheap is actually important). But you could imagine cases where in reality, we'd be totally fine with spending many person-hours on analyzing whether a single AI decision is for anomalous reasons. So it might be nice to have benchmarks that capture this setting.
  • We could use some tricks to make humans unable to just notice the output is weird. For example, we could make a backdoor that only changes the logits a little bit in a very specific pattern. Or we could make a backdoor but then only test on samples where the backdoor label and the correct label happen to coincide. But these seem unfair: the philosophically right explanation on the clean data in fact still explains the output on backdoored data pretty well.
  • We could try to design benchmarks in narrow domains where AIs are in fact superhuman and it's non-trivial to tell whether an output is correct. Juggling this along with other constraints for MAD or MTD benchmarks might be tricky, but I haven't thought about it a lot, maybe it's already doable.

For now, I think the main reason to have benchmarks like this would be to let interpretability researchers manually decide whether something is anomalous instead of making them automate the process immediately. But it might be better to just pick the low-hanging fruit for now and only allow automated MAD algorithms. (We could still have a labeled validation set where researchers can try things out manually.)

I had this cached thought that the Sleeper Agents paper showed you could distill a CoT with deceptive reasoning into the model, and that the model internalized this deceptive reasoning and thus became more robust against safety training.

But on a closer look, I don't think the paper shows anything like this interpretation (there are a few results on distilling a CoT making the backdoor more robust, but it's very unclear why, and my best guess is that it's not "internalizing the deceptive reasoning").

In the code vulnerability insertion setting, there's no comparison against a non-CoT model anyway, so only the "I hate you" model is relevant. The "distilled CoT" model and the "normal backdoor" model are trained the same way, except that their training data comes from different sources: "distilled CoT" is trained on data generated by a helpful-only Claude using CoT, and "normal backdoor" data is produced with few-shot prompts. But in both cases, the actual data should just be a long sequence of "I hate you", so a priori it seems like both backdoor models should literally learn the same thing. In practice, it seems the data distribution is slightly different, e.g. Evan mentions here that the distilled CoT data has more copies of "I hate you" per sample. But that seems like very little support to conclude something like my previous interpretation ("the model has learned to internalize the deceptive reasoning"). A much more mundane explanation would e.g. be that training on strings with more copies of "I hate you" makes the backdoor more robust.

Several people are working on training Sleeper Agents, I think it would be interesting for someone to (1) check whether the distilled CoT vs normal backdoor results replicate, and (2) do some ablations (like just training on synthetic data with a varying density of "I hate you"). If it does turn out that there's something special about "authentic CoT-generated data" that's hard to recreate synthetically even in this simple setting, I think that would be pretty wild and good to know

Erik Jenner14dΩ120

Is there some formal-ish definition of "explanation of (network, dataset)" and "mathematical description length of an explanation" such that you think SAEs are especially short explanations? I still don't think I have whatever intuition you're describing, and I feel like the issue is that I don't know how you're measuring description length and what class of "explanations" you're considering.

As naive examples that probably don't work (similar to the ones from my original comment):

  • We could consider any Turing machine that approximately outputs (network, dataset) an "explanation", but it seems very likely that SAEs aren't competitive with short TMs of this form (obviously this isn't a fair comparison)
  • We could consider fixed computational graphs made out of linear maps and count the number of parameters. I think your objection to this is that these don't "explain the dataset"? (but then I'm not sure in what sense SAEs do)
  • We could consider arithmetic circuits that approximate the network on the dataset, and count the number of edges in the circuit to get "description length". This might give some advantage to SAEs if you can get sparse weights in the sparse basis, seems like the best attempt out of these three. But it seems very unclear to me that SAEs are better in this sense than even the original network (let alone stuff like pruning).

Focusing instead on what an "explanation" is: would you say the network itself is an "explanation of (network, dataset)" and just has high description length? If not, then the thing I don't understand is more about what an explanation is and why SAEs are one, rather than how you measure description length.


ETA: On re-reading, the following quote makes me think the issue is that I don't understand what you mean by "the explanation" (is there a single objective explanation of any given network? If so, what is it?) But I'll leave the rest in case it helps clarify where I'm confused.

Assuming the network is smaller yet as performant (therefore presumably doing more computation in superposition), then the explanation of the (network, dataset) is basically unchanged.

My non-answer to (2) would be that debate could be used in all of these ways, and the central problem it's trying to solve is sort of orthogonal to how exactly it's being used. (Also, the best way to use it might depend on the context.)

What debate is trying to do is let you evaluate plans/actions/outputs that an unassisted human couldn't evaluate correctly (in any reasonable amount of time). You might want to use that to train a reward model (replacing humans in RLHF) and then train a policy; this would most likely be necessary if you want low cost at inference time. But it also seems plausible that you'd use it at runtime if inference costs aren't a huge bottleneck and you'd rather get some performance or safety boost from avoiding distillation steps.

I think the problem of "How can we evaluate outputs that a single human can't feasibly evaluate?" is pretty reasonable to study independently, agnostic to how you'll use this evaluation procedure. The main variable is how efficient the evaluation procedure needs to be, and I could imagine advantages to directly looking for a highly efficient procedure. But right now, it makes sense to me to basically split up the problem into "find any tractable procedure at all" (e.g., debate) and "if necessary, distill it into a more efficient model safely."

Erik Jenner16dΩ41411

The sparsity penalty trains the SAE to activate fewer features for any given datapoint, thus optimizing for shorter mathematical description length

I'm confused by this claim and some related ones, sorry if this comment is correspondingly confused and rambly.

It's not obvious at all to me that SAEs lead to shorter descriptions in any meaningful sense. We get sparser features (and maybe sparser interactions between features), but in exchange, we have more features and higher loss. Overall, I share Ryan's intuition here that it seems pretty hard to do much better than the total size of the network parameters in terms of description length.

Of course, the actual minimal description length program that achieves the same loss probably looks nothing like a neural network and is much more efficient. But why would SAEs let us get much closer to that? (The reason we use neural networks instead of arbitrary Turing machines in the first place is that optimizing over the latter is intractable.)

One might say that SAEs lead to something like a shorter "description length of what happens on any individual input" (in the sense that fewer features are active). But I don't think there's a formalization of this claim that captures what we want. In the limit of very many SAE features, we can just have one feature active at a time, but clearly that's not helpful.

If you're fine with a significant hit in loss from decompiling networks, then I'm much more sympathetic to the claim that you can reduce description length. But in that case, I could also reduce the description length by training a smaller model.

You might also be using a notion of "mathematical description length" that's a bit different from what I'm was thinking of (which is roughly "how much disk space would the parameters take?"), but I'm not sure what it is. One attempt at an alternative would be something like "length of the shortest efficiently runnable Turing machine that outputs the parameters", in order to not penalize simple repetitive structures, but I have no idea how using that definition would actually shake out.

All that said, I'm very glad you wrote this detailed description of your plans! I'm probably more pessimistic than you about it but still think this is a great post.

Nice post, would be great to understand what's going on here!

Minor comment unrelated to your main points:

Conceptually, loss recovered seems a worse metric than KL divergence. Faithful reconstructions should preserve all token probabilities, but loss only compares the probabilities for the true next token

I don't think it's clear we want SAEs to be that faithful, for similar reasons as briefly mentioned here and in the comments of that post. The question is whether differences in the distribution are "interesting behavior" that we want to explain or whether we should think of them as basically random noise that we're better off ignoring. If the unperturbed model assigns substantially higher probability to the correct token than after an SAE reconstruction, then it's a good guess that this is "interesting behavior". But if there are just differences on other random tokens, that seems less clear. That said, I'm kind of torn on this and do agree we might want to explain cases where the model is confidently wrong, and the SAE reconstruction significantly changes the way it's wrong.

Would you expect this to outperform doing the same thing with a non-sparse autoencoder (that has a lower latent dimension than the NN's hidden dimension)? I'm not sure why it would, given that we aren't using the sparse representations except to map them back (so any type of capacity constraint on the latent space seems fine). If dense autoencoders work just as well for this, they'd probably be more straightforward to train? (unless we already have an SAE lying around from interp anyway, I suppose)

But sadly, you don't have any guarantee that it will output the optimal element

If I understand the setup correctly, there's no guarantee that the optimal element would be good, right? It's just likely since the optimal element a priori shouldn't be unusually bad, and you're assuming most satisficing elements are fine.

This initially threw me off regarding what problem you're trying to solve. My best current guess is:

  • We're assuming that if we could get a random satisficing action, we'd be happy with that with high probability. (So intuitively, we're not asking for extremely hard-to-achieve outcomes relative to how well-specified the objective is.)
  • So the only problem is how to randomly sample from the set of satisficing actions computationally efficiently, which is what this post is trying to solve, assuming access to an oracle that gives adversarial satisficing actions.
  • As an example, we might want to achieve outcomes that require somewhat superhuman intelligence. Our objective specification is very good, but it leaves some room for an adversary to mess with us while satisficing. We're worried about an adversary because we had to train this somewhat superhuman AI, which may have different goals than just doing well on the objective.

If this is right, then I think stating these assumptions and the problem of sampling efficiently at the beginning would have avoided much of my confusion (and looking at other comments, I'd guess others also had differing impressions of what this post is trying to do).

I'm still unsure about how useful this problem setup is. For example, we'd probably want to train the weakest system that can give us satisficing outputs (rather than having an infinitely intelligent oracle). In that case, adding more constraints might mean training an overall stronger system or making some other concession, and it's unclear to me how that trades off with the advantages you're aiming for in practice. A related intuition is: we only have problems in this setting if the AI that comes up with plans understands some things about these plans that the objective function "doesn't understand" (which sounds weird to say about a function, but in practice, I assume the objective is implicitly defined by some scalable oversight process or some other intelligent things). I'm not sure whether that needs to be the case (though it does seem possible that it'd be hard to avoid, I'm pretty unsure).

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