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You want to make it clear to the LLM what the task is (multiplying n digit numbers is clear but "doing hard math questions" is vague) and also have some variety of difficulty levels (within LLMs and between LLMs) and a high ceiling. I think this would take some iteration at least.

I like this idea. It's possible something like this already exists but I'm not aware of it.

Thanks for the breakdown! The idea for using pairs makes sense.

Yes, it's plausible to me that this capbility is data specific. E.g. It might also be better with "heads/tails" or "0/1" because of examples of this in the training data.

Do you have results for a measure of accuracy or correlation? It would also be worth comparing results for two different distributions on the temperature, e.g. the uniform on [0.5,1.5] that you tried, and other interval like [0,2] or a non-uniform distribution.

The "Still no lie detector for language model" paper is here:

The paper in the OP seems somewhat relate to my post from earlier this year.


I agree that there are ways to explain the results and these points from Steven and Thane make sense. I will note that the models are significantly more reliable at learning in-distribution (i.e. to predict the training set) than they are at generalizing to the evaluations that involve verbalizing the latent state (and answering downstream questions about it). So it's not the case that learning to predict the training set (or inputs very similar to training inputs) automatically results in generalization to the verbalized evaluations. We do see improvement in reliability with GPT-4 over GPT-3.5, but we don't have enough information to draw any firm conclusions about scaling.

Yes, if you know what dangerous knowledge you are looking for, you could try to remove it using influence functions. Another approach (potentially much cheaper) is unlearning techniques.

I agree about the CoT point for reconstructing things. If the CoT is faithful/explicit, then this should be easier to monitor by using a second cheaper LLM to block the stronger LLM if it starts thinking about nukes. You could imagine censoring whole subject areas from the training (rather than just censoring specific parts of documents). My guess is that this makes learning certain facts extremely hard even without CoT because some facts were only learned by humans after extensive empirical experiments.


Good question. I expect you would find some degree of consistency here. Johannes or Dami might be able to some results on this.

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