Eliezer's metaethics might be clarified in terms of the distinctions between sense, reference, and reference-fixing descriptions. I take it that Eliezer wants to use 'right' as a rigid designator to denote some particular set of terminal values, but this reference fact is fixed by means of a seemingly 'relative' procedure (namely, whatever terminal values the speaker happens to hold, on some appropriate [if somewhat mysterious] idealization). Confusions arise when people mistakenly read this metasemantic subjectivism into the first-order semantics or meaning of 'right'.
In summary:
(i) 'Right' means, roughly, 'promotes external goods X, Y and Z'
(ii) claim i above is true because I desire X, Y, and Z.
Note that Speakers Use Their Actual Language, so murder would still be wrong even if I had the desires of a serial killer. But if I had those violent terminal values, I would speak a slightly different language than I do right now, so that when KillerRichard asserts "Murder is right!" what he says is true. We don't really disagree, but are instead merely talking past each other.
Virtues of the theory:
(a) By rigidifying on our actual, current desires (or idealizations thereupo...
I think this is an excellent summary. I would make the following comments:
Confusions arise when people mistakenly read this metasemantic subjectivism into the first-order semantics or meaning of 'right'.
Yes, but I think Eliezer was mistaken in identifying this kind of confusion as the fundamental source of the objections to his theory (as in the Löb's theorem discussion). Sophisticated readers of LW (or OB, at the time) are surely capable of distinguishing between logical levels. At least, I am -- but nevertheless, I still didn't feel that his theory was adequately "non-relativist" to satisfy the kinds of people who worry about "relativism". What I had in mind, in other words, was your objections (2) and (3).
The answer to those objections, by the way, is that an "adequately objective" metaethics is impossible: the minds of complex agents (such as humans) are the only place in the universe where information about morality is to be found, and there are plenty of possible minds in mind-design space (paperclippers, pebblesorters, etc.) from which it is impossible to extract the same information. This directly answers (3), anyway; as for (2), "fallibility" is rescued (on the object level) by means of imperfect introspective knowledge: an agent could be mistaken about what its own terminal values are.
You're speaking my language, thanks! I hope this is EY's view, because I know what this means. Maybe now I can go back and read EY's sequence in light of this interpretation and it will make more sense to me now.
EY's theory as presented above makes me suspicious that making basic evaluative moral terms rigid designators is a kind of 'trick' which, though perhaps not intended, very easily has the effect of carrying along some common absolutist connotations of those terms where they no longer apply in EY's use of those terms.
At the moment, I'm not so worried about objection (1), but objections (2) and (3) are close to what bother me about EY's theory, especially if this is foundational for EY's thinking about how we ought to be designing a Friendly AI. If we're working on a project as important as Friendly AI, it becomes an urgent problem to get our meta-ethics right, and I'm not sure Eliezer has done it yet. Which is why we need more minds working on this problem. I hope to be one of those minds, even if my current meta-ethics turns out to be wrong (I've held my current meta-ethics for under 2 years, anyway, and it has shifted slightly since adoption).
But, at the moment it remains plausible to me that Eliezer is right, and I just don't see why right now. Eliezer is a very smart guy who has invested a lot of energy into training himself to think straight about things and respond to criticism either with adequate counterargument or by dropping the criticized belief.
invested a lot of energy into training himself to think straight about things and respond to criticism either with adequate counterargument or by dropping the criticized belief
Maybe; I can't say I've noticed that so much myself -- e.g. he just disappeared from this discussion when I refuted his assumptions about philosophy of language (that underpin his objection to zombies), but I haven't seen him retract his claim that zombies are demonstrably incoherent.
I won't actually argue, just list some things that seem to be points where Richard talks past the intended meaning of the posts (irrespective of technical accuracy of the statements in themselves, if their meaning intended by Richard was what the posts referred to). Link to the post for convenience.
I agree with the first one of those being bad.
Yes, if you're talking about corporations, you cannot use exactly the same math than you do if you're talking about evolutionary biology. But there are still some similarities that make it useful to know things about how selection works in evolutionary biology. Eliezer seems to be saying that if you want to call something "evolution", then it has to meet these strictly-chosen criteria that he'll tell you. But pretty much the only justification he offers is "if it doesn't meet these criteria, then Price's equation doesn't apply", and I don't see why "evolution" would need to be strictly defined as "those processes which behave in a way specified by Price's equation". It can still be a useful analogy.
The rest are fine in my eyes, though the argument in The Psychological Unity of Humankind seems rather overstated for several reasons.
My current project is a book on memetics. I also have a blog on memetics.
Probably the best existing book on the topic is The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore.
I also maintain some memetics links, some memetics references, a memetics glossary - and I have a bunch of memetics videos.
In academia, memetics is typically called "cultural evolution". Probably the best book on that is "Not by Genes Alone".
Your "evolutionary biology" question is rather vague. The nearest thing that springs to mind is this. Common views on that topic around here are more along the lines expressed in the The Robot's Rebellion. If I am in a good mood, I describe such views as "lacking family values" - and if I am not, they get likened to a "culture of death".
What scares me is that people say EY's position is "plainly false" so rarely. Even if EY is almost always right, you would still expect a huge number of people to say that his positions are plainly false, especially when talking about such difficult and debated questions as those of philosophy and predicting the future.
What scares me is that people say EY's position is "plainly false" so rarely.
What scares me is how often people express this concern relative to how often people actually agree with EY. Eliezer's beliefs and assertions take an absolute hammering. I agree with him fairly often - no surprise, he is intelligent, has a similar cognitive style mine and has spent a whole lot of time thinking. But I disagree with him vocally whenever he seems wrong. I am far from the only person who does so.
If the topics are genuinely difficult, I don't think it's likely that many people who understand them would argue that Eliezer's points are plainly false. Occasionally people drop in to argue such who clearly don't have a very good understanding of rationality or the subject material. People do disagree with Eliezer for more substantive reasons with some frequency, but I don't find the fact that they rarely pronounce him to be obviously wrong particularly worrying.
When I first found this site, I read through all the OB posts chronologically, rather than reading the Sequences as sequences. So I got to see the history of several commenters, many of whom disagreed sharply with EY, with their disagreement evolving over several posts.
They tend to wander off after a while. Which is not surprising, as there is very little reward for it.
So I guess I'd ask this a different way: if you were an ethical philosopher whose positions disagreed with EY, what in this community would encourage you to post (or comment) about your disagreements?
if you were an ethical philosopher whose positions disagreed with EY, what in this community would encourage you to post (or comment) about your disagreements?
The presence of a large, sharp, and serious audience. The disadvantage, of course, is that the audience tends not to already be familiar with standard philosophical jargon.
By contrast, at a typical philosophy blog, you can share your ideas with an audience that already knows the jargon, and is also sharp and serious. The disadvantage, of course, is that at the typical philosophy blog, the audience is not large.
These considerations suggest that a philosopher might wish to produce his own competing meta-ethics sequence here if he were in the early stages of producing a semi-popular book on his ideas. He might be less interested if he is interested only in presenting to trained philosophers.
Moral Error and Moral Disagreement confronts this
Yeah, I'm the "Richard4" in the comments thread there :-)
OK. I'll reply here because if I reply there, you won't get the notifications.
The crux of your argument, it seems to me, is the following intuition:
Rather, it is essential to the concept of morality that it involves shared standards common to all fully reasonable agents.
This is certainly a property we would want morality to have, and one which human beings naturally assume it must have– but is that the central property of it? Should it turn out that nothing which looks like morality has this property, does it logically follow that all morality is dead, or is that reaction just a human impulse?
(I will note, with all the usual caveats, that believing one's moral sentiments to be universal in scope and not based on preference is a big advantage in object-level moral arguments, and that we happen to be descended from the winners of arguments about tribal politics and morality.)
If a certain set of moral impulses involves shared standards common to, say, every sane human being, then moral arguments would still work among those human beings, in exactly the way you would want them to work across all intelligent beings. Frankly, that's good enough for me. Why give baby-eating aliens in another universe veto powers over every moral intuition of yours?
The intent of my comment wasn't to convince Richard (I never do that), but to sharpen our points and make him clarify whatever genuine insight he possesses and we don't.
I'd say they're just the criteria that we (at least, many of us) have in mind when insisting that any morality worthy of the name must be "objective", in a certain sense.
What would you say to someone who does not share your intuition that such "objective" morality likely exists?
My main problem with objective morality is that while it's hard to deny that there seem to be mind-independent moral facts like "pain is morally bad", there doesn't seem to be enough such facts to build an ethical system out of them. What natural phenomena count as pain, exactly? How do we trade off between pain and pleasure? How do we trade off between pain in one person, and annoyance in many others? How do we trade off pain across time (i.e., should we discount future pain, if so how)? Across possible worlds? How do we morally treat identical copies? It seems really hard, perhaps impossible, to answer these questions without using subjective preferences or intuitions that vary from person to person, or worse, just picking arbitrary answers when we don't even have any relevant preferences or intuitions. If it turns out that such subjectivity and/or arbitrariness can't be a...
The closest point I've found to my metaethics in standard philosophy was called "moral functionalism" or "analytical descriptivism".
Cognitivism: Yes, moral propositions have truth-value, but not all people are talking about the same facts when they use words like "should", thus creating the illusion of disagreement.
Motivation: You're constructed so that you find some particular set of logical facts and physical facts impel you to action, and these facts are what you are talking about when you are talking about morality: for example, faced with the problem of dividing a pie among 3 people who all worked equally to obtain it and are all equally hungry, you find the mathematical fact that 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 is an equal division compelling - and more generally you name the compelling logical facts associated with this issue as "fairness", for example.
(Or as it was written in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality:
"Mr. Potter, in the end people all do what they want to do. Sometimes people give names like 'right' to things they want to do, but how could we possibly act on anything but our own desires?"
"Well, obviously I couldn't a...
Can anything besides Gary's preferences provide a justification for saying that "Gary should_gary X"? (My own answer would be "No.")
This strikes me as an ill-formed question for reasons I tried to get at in No License To Be Human. When Gary asks "What is right?" he is asking the question e.g. "What state of affairs will help people have more fun?" and not "What state of affairs will match up with the current preferences of Gary's brain?" and the proof of this is that if you offer Gary a pill to change his preferences, Gary won't take it because this won't change what is right. Gary's preferences are about things like fairness, not about Gary's preferences. Asking what justifies should_Gary to Gary is either answered by having should_Gary wrap around and judge itself ("Why, yes, it does seem better to care about fairness than about one's own desires") or else is a malformed question implying that there is some floating detachable ontologically basic property of rightness, apart from particular right things, which could be ripped loose of happiness and applied to pain instead and make it good to do evil.
...By saying &qu
In You Provably Can't Trust Yourself, Eliezer tried to figured out why his audience didn't understand his meta-ethics sequence even after they had followed him through philosophy of language and quantum physics. Meta-ethics is my specialty, and I can't figure out what Eliezer's meta-ethical position is. And at least at this point, professionals like Robin Hanson and Toby Ord couldn't figure it out, either.
Part of the problem is that because Eliezer has gotten little value from professional philosophy, he writes about morality in a highly idiosyncratic way, using terms that would require reading hundreds of posts to understand. I might understand Eliezer's meta-ethics better if he would just cough up his positions on standard meta-ethical debates like cognitivism, motivation, the sources of normativity, moral epistemology, and so on. Nick Beckstead recently told me he thinks Eliezer's meta-ethical views are similar to those of Michael Smith, but I'm not seeing it.
If you think you can help me (and others) understand Eliezer's meta-ethical theory, please leave a comment!
Update: This comment by Richard Chappell made sense of Eliezer's meta-ethics for me.