This is a list of free educational resources that are frequently overlooked or somewhat obscure, but still contain a large trove of information. The selection covers software, lessons, research papers, and reference material. I will skip covering online things that I think most people know, like Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg, or Khan Academy. Where possible I will suggest tax-funded, public domain, or FOSS options. Some of these are easy to use while others, like Zotero, require more of a learning curve. Please reply if you have any suggestions to add to the list; I will add them if they meet those criteria.

Table of Contents


Library Card: Everyone should have one, or even multiple; at least have your local branch, and consider finding a way to get a card in a major city, which has more lending options. They're very easy to get, and open up a lot of digital resources, like Libby, RBDigital, and Kanopy, listed below.

Community College Enrollment: Yes, even if you went to an Ivy League. The only reason not to is if you are currently affiliated with a larger college or university. Why? By taking even a single community college course a year you can get longterm access to a lot of student discounts on software and scholarly journals, not to mention museums and such. Not only are the classes cheap or free, but the curriculum quality and even the instructor quality is often comparable to lower-division courses at state universities and private colleges, possibly even better, if the equivalent courses would be taught by a seasoned instructor instead of an overworked grad student. You can fill in gaps in your academic education or satisfy a hobby by taking some sort of evening-class elective. Depending on your community college, maybe you can even qualify for these benefits simply by taking an online course.

Some software that you can get with any valid .edu:

Don't forget that a lot of people like to help students. If there's something you want and you can't get, try emailing the author or developer, asking if they would make something available to you. If you know anyone who can buy the thing for you, don't be ashamed to ask them (make sure to repay your favors either in kind or in kindness).

Online Education

MIT OCW: This is somewhat well-known but not in the top ranks. Frankly I don't even see how Coursera et al can even make any money when MIT just makes an absurd amount of its courses available for free online. You can even ask for homework help.

Open Culture Free Online Courses: A list of about 1,500 courses as of May 2020, spread across various standalone websites and Massive Open Online Course providers such as Coursera. Covers many disciplines, including many humanities and practical subjects. Thanks to Noah Blaff for this recommendation.

Youtube: Okay, I said I'd skip obvious things. But are you aware of how much educational content is available on YouTube, and what kinds of things you can learn? Samo Burja's essay The YouTube Revolution in Knowledge Transfer (1100 words) is worth a read. For example, I substantially improved my coding workflow by watching YouTube videos on the topic, something programming courses usually don't cover. Here are some educational channels I like:

Podcasts: As with YouTube, so with podcasts. It's quite fortunate that audio, due to lower hosting requirements, has so far managed to avoid becoming as centralized as YouTube while remaining just as discoverable. Unfortunately, most podcasts, even most that I consume, are edutainment or talk shows. While many can give you insight and expand your worldview, few provide actionable lessons or access to primary sources. If I started to enumerate the former I'd have to give an unending list. Two I know in the latter category:


Internet Archive: It's been compared to the Library of Alexandria, and certainly deserves that comparison: this is the single largest source of raw media you can find. Many people know it for the Wayback Machine, which archives websites and serves snapshots of URLs as they would have appeared on the date of archival. But it also contains historical newspapers, radio broadcasts, books, and much more. I've found it useful for accessing all manner of primary sources in the course of research.

RBDigital (for iOS, for Android): An online lending service for books, magazines, and multimedia. Carries all the usual magazines your public library would carry, like Vogue, The Economist, and Scientific American. I haven't explored the other offerings too much.

Books and Audiobooks

Calibre: Calibre is an open-source tool for managing a library of ebooks. The main benefit to me is that I can sync the 200-plus books that I have downloaded from Library Genesis to my Kindle, bypassing Amazon's walled garden (and fee structure). It has a highly extensible plugin system and many integrations such as with Goodreads.

Open Library: a frontend maintained by Internet Archive specifically dedicated to borrowing ebooks. It serves files in a time-based encrypted format, accessible for that lending period. The system is unfortunately currently (2020) facing a lawsuit due to a recent questionable decision by the site maintainers to temporarily allow unlimited lending during the COVID crisis, without the prior consent of authors.

Free eBook Foundation: Responsible for maintaining a couple important github repos making programming books and Project Gutenberg material more accessible. Recommended by lsusr.

Faded Page: Provides digitized versions of books that are out of copyright in Canada, which has a shorter copyright duration than the average in Western countries. This makes it legal for them to host works like F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Stefan Zweig's The World of Yesterday, but somewhat dubious for non-Canadians to access them.

Library Genesis: This is the easiest way to steal books. Quite frankly, I've made an Abbie Hoffman-esque virtue out of pirating information, especially textbooks. It's pretty easy to use, but you should click a mirror link rather than the title to get to the download faster. The stuff on it is mostly what techie-libertarian types like to read, though—I've had some trouble finding a lot of good 20th century non-SF fiction or social science writing.

Librivox: This is my single favorite thing on the list. A bunch of volunteers have recorded countless public domain works—including most of the Western Canon—as audiobooks, also in the public domain. I use the RSS feed url to load these into my podcast app and take them everywhere. Among other things I've listened to Thucydides, Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill, and William James this way in the past year.

Libby / Overdrive: It's a neat wrapper for interlibrary digital lending services. They provide both ebooks and audiobooks; I mainly use it for the latter. The selection at my local library is atrocious, but it might be better at others. It's where I can get audiobooks of more recent books, and the hold times and renewal policy are reasonable.


Sci-Hub (link changes occasionally): Provides Open Access to research literature. It uses donated accounts to pirate research papers from behind paywalls. Weirdly, its access to various catalogs seems to be uneven. It's most oriented towards the hard or logical sciences, but social science and humanities can also be found on here. There's a browser extension called Sci-Hub Now! (for Chrome, for Firefox) which can be used to immediately retrieve papers from behind paywalls.

Directory of Open Access Books and OAPEN: contains peer-reviewed academic books and articles whose publishers have decided to create open-source copies of. They possess a comparatively small selection of materials, but are a more legitimate source than Sci-Hub.

Zotero: An application to keep track of scholarly material for future reference, and make citations easy by downloading metadata. Remembering is as important as learning, so being able to offload some of that mental effort onto a program will save you a lot of research time in the long run. Has a bit of a learning curve. It is free and open-source.

Connected Papers: Visually links papers to those which it cites and those which cite it. A rapid way to navigate the literature on a given topic. Recommended by Romeo Stevens; I haven't used it.


Kanopy: The economic value of older films that were never big hits is negligible, so Kanopy has figured out a way to provide these on-demand, no-loan to public library card holders. Most notably it contains much of the Criterion Collection, and many independent small-budget documentaries. My library gives me 10 titles a month, which is about enough for me. I also like that the service streams to Chromecast.

Film Grab: Stills from most live-action films you can name and many more besides, about 50-100 stills per film. Really good for visual reference. Unfortunately the site is not lightweight and takes longer to load than it really needs to.

Animation Screencaps: Same thing as Film Grab, but focused on animation instead. The collection images 10,000-20,000 shots per film, which is a confusing number: too many to be useful if you are seeking a synoptic view of the entire work, but too few to be useful if you are an animator trying to work out how to time an action. It doesn't seem to capture keyframes, seems to be running on a timed script to capture N frames a second.


UBUweb: Archives a lot of modern, conceptual, and avant-garde art from the late 20th century. I like the clean design of the website, and the fact that this minimalist facade hides an enormous repository.

Smithsonian Digital Archive: This contains a lot of museum-worthy art, records, and artifacts. Especially notable is their recently-available Open Access service, which provides works which can be used and remixed with little or no restrictions.

This version of the post removes a piracy site whose typical use case is not educational or research oriented. This post also appeared at

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25 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since:

This is incredible. I'd never heard of it; adding it to the research section.


I am vaguely concerned about parts of this post being on less wrong - I’m don’t think we should be a place that openly advocates for illegal actions without extensive justification? Both for legal liability reasons and for philosophical ones.

I’ve tried to provide a legitimate alternative to every piratical source I’ve mentioned - if others concur with you I’ll reduce the discussion of piracy sites to just a brief gloss of sci-hub. 

As a site admin, I don't think I have any concerns about the legal reasons. I obviously feel philosophically good about sci-hub, I don't know the others so well (though I'd be a bit surprised if one of them was bad enough to remove).

Audible is releasing free audiobooks for children while schools are closed due to COVID-19. They can be listened to in-browser without downloading an app or logging in.

I would appreciate easy-to-see tags on entries useful only for people living in the US. This definitely includes community college enrollment and maybe includes libary card, Kanopy, Libby. I've tried to use my Russian library card on Kanopy, and it wasn't recognized.

Thanks! I can’t build that out all myself, since I am obviously US based, but I will work on reducing US-centric claims and I would love it if others could point out what’s available globally or not.

I've been taking community college classes since I was like 15 years old (now in mid 40s) to learn skills for hobbies or just satisfy curiosity. I really recommend it.

There are two websites I go to for free books.

Thanks! In the same vein,

I should roll some of this back into the main article. has lots of content on physics (including a book about aviation that goes into physics, a thermodynamics book, and a book on spacetime) and math, along with some essays on pedagogy. The real reason it stands out though, is because it explains things in an exceptionally deconfused way.

If you enjoyed the LW physics sequences, and wanted more, this is where you want to be!

You can find many free courses here ad they do a good job of keeping track of the free MOOC available online, expecially during the "coronavirus outbreak of free MOOCs". You can also set a library f courses for you to keep track of courses you will want to attend when you have more free time. Has also a lot of courses from Indian Universities.

This is awesome, thank you very much for this. I would probably add Coursera to the Online Education section, and there are also lots of History podcasts of good quality. A good place to start is the AskHistorians podcast, created by the good people at the AskHistorians subreddit, where they interview actual historians about their field of work.

Added AskHistorians podcast! Mentioning Coursera inline.

Ok, this will take a while to write out. Here we go

  • Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. He's not a professional historian, but he's very engaging on his narrative style and reads a lot before doing an episode. But still, always take it with a pinch of salt, something may slip by him because he's not a historian (he's aware of it and recognises his limits).
  • Fall of Civilizations. Pretty new one, it's good for getting an overall picture of a long history.
  • History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Counts more like a philosophy podcast, but here we go. It's done by Peter Adamson, a philosopher from King's College, London. And it's really cool that after a few episodes on each philosopher, he interviews an expert on that philosopher, so it is always extremely well informed.
  • History on Fire. Daniele Bolleli is a historian, but I am not 100% sure about how legit he is. I take this one always with a cautionary pinch of salt, just like Hardcore History. But it is very engaging.
  • In Our Time: History. Great BBC podcast, basically 30-min interviews with a couple of experts on a random history theme.
  • NT Pod. It's a podcast about a historical critical look at the New Testament. It's done by Mark Goodacre, from Duke University, one of the few scholars that believes that the synoptic problem should be solved without the hypotetical Q.
  • Pax Britannica. Samuel Hume is a historian who knows what he's talking about, and he does a pretty good job of telling the history of the British Empire.
  • History of Rome and Revolutions by Mike Duncan are 2 of the best history podcasts out there. He started with History of Rome, and when finished went on with Revolutions. He's well informed, and his style is very engaging. Also, he's studied politics, so his explanations tend to focus on that side of things.
  • Russian Rulers. It's done by a historian, it's well informed, and despite the sound quality in the first episodes it's worth listening to.
  • History of English. It's a cool one, talking about the origins and evolution of the language, and of the people that spoke it. I am learning more than I expected from it.

There are more than I listen to, but these are the ones that I would recommend completely without hesitation. If it is your thing, then, well... enjoy. :)

If we are listing quality educational history podcasts then it would be a shame not to mention History of Japan.

Thanks! I won't add these to the top list but I hope people will scroll down to see the comments. I should mention that there are a whole bunch of Mike Duncan - inspired "History of X" which are of varying quality. I wanted to get into the History of China dude, but I couldn't give him more than a few episodes due to wincing at his accent, didn't even get to judge his content. Unfortunately my Chinese isn't actually good enough to listen to podcasts in Chinese about Chinese history. History of Byzantium is supposedly also good.

There is one called China History Podcast that doesn't have a weird accent issue, the guy sounds completely american.

As for History of Byzantium, it is good on the content but the sound quality is due for an improvement for a long time, it can become difficult to listen sometimes because of that.

Ah you've got my directionality confused, the bias preventing me from judging History of China podcast dispassionately is in his inability to pronounce Chinese fluently. I'm in the weird position of being fluent enough in Chinese to be a little intolerant of English speakers with bad Chinese pronunciation but not fluent enough to understand the Chinese-language content. I will say though that China History Podcast seems a little better on this very particular axis and I think it would be unreasonable to expect much better. They definitely seem to have a lot of content, and much of it relevant to the modern era!

Okay, this guy sold me as soon as I saw he had an episode on Doc Ing Hay's general store in rural Oregon. I stumbled upon this place once just passing through, at a convenient time to get a guided tour of the little museum they'd made out of it. There's not even a Wikipedia article on it yet; which gives me the impression that this podcaster is committed to both a broad and deep history of the chinese experience

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying, and I hope you enjoy the CHP 🙂

If you are interested in history podcasts, I listen to quite a few of them myself, I will come back with a list of good ones.