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Corona note: There will be tests at the entrance. We expect about 12 vaccinated people sharing about 30 square meters of space for about 7 hours. Come at your own risk.

Pair debugging is a staple of applied rationality. Humans aren't really all that smart on their own. Our intelligence is distributed. You don't get very far by thinking by yourself.

Before we start, we will teach a rationality technique. These techniques can be used explicitly as a structured conversation, or they can be applied freestyle whenever.

Minimum prep: bring a bugs list! This is a list of n things that you would like to improve about your life. Some examples:
- "I often fail to keep my promises when I don't really believe in them"
- "I waste too much energy on parties"
- "I still don't meditate on a regular basis"
- "I'm not sure if I'm smart enough for EA work"

Optional prep: read some of the CFAR handbook at

Rough schedule:
16:00 - welcome
± 17:00 - introduction
± 17:15 - meditation session
± 17:30 - instruction & practice
± 18:30 - done
± 19:30 - grab some dinner together
± ??:?? - closing

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