1 min read


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7 Going2 Maybe3 Can't Go
Sean Aubin
Abisola O.
Joseph Kostousov
Ivan Vendrov
Dan Valentine
sam koop

Some of us may conform too easily to what others think, while some of us tend to dissent out of a defiant habit. So lets play a game together called Dissent Collusion to practice dissenting or assenting to a larger group. Expect some social pressure when it’s your turn, but the purpose is to have a safe place to practice the skill.


Enter the Mars Atrium via University Avenue entrance. We'll meet at the food court in the basement. I'll be wearing a bright neon yellow jacket.

Detailed Directions to the Food Court

Enter from University Avenue and walk east until you see escalators. Take the escalators down. The food court is to the east of the escalators. If you are lost/confused, ask a security guard to direct you to the food court.

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