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This year's Spring ACX Meetup everywhere in Ottawa.

Location: This year we are meeting at 70 Gloucester St (The LOOP apartment building), and will get to enjoy the lovely view from the 28th floor rooftop patio! Buzzer is 2103 for entry to the building, and then come on up to the top floor. If rain happens to move us indoors on the 11th, we'll be meeting one floor down from the patio, in the Sky Lounge of 70 Gloucester. We should be the only group meeting in either of these places but we will still have "ACX" signs, and I, Tess, will be identifiable as the one with the big orange scarf. –

Group Link:,, Attend a meetup to receive an invite to our discord!

Dinner will be provided in the evening, but feel free to bring snacks to share earlier on! Kids welcome. Please RSVP to help make planning smoother for me- by email to, on Lesswrong, or on Facebook. Thank you!


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