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Nikita Sokolsky
Brendan Long
Jackson McKissack
Dan Moran
Tien-Chern Woon
Kyle K
Pavel Pravosud

Scott Alexander has called for people to organize a spring meetup, and this year, it will be held at Stoup Brewing in Capitol Hill, Seattle. I have made a reservation for two tables at Stoup Brewing, which is known for being one of the quietest bar spaces in the city. I will be wearing a shirt and a blue sweater, hopefully you’ll see the group when you arrive.

Stoup Brewing offers a selection of both beer and non-alcoholic drinks. While the venue does not serve food, you are welcome to bring your own. Additionally, you are encouraged to bring board games to enjoy with fellow attendees. In previous years, Stoup has provided board games for patrons to borrow, but the availability of these games can be inconsistent.

For those driving to the event, please be aware that there are a few parking garages nearby; however, free parking is unfortunately not available in the area.

See: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/spring-meetups-everywhere-2024-call

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We’re in the north-west corner of Stoup

Suggested discussion questions / ice breakers for today's meetup, assembled from ACX posts in the past 6 months. See you all in one hour :-)

  1. What was the most interesting question for you from the recent ACX survey?
  2. What do you think of the Coffeepocalypse argument in relation to AI risk?
  3. Do you agree with the Robin Hanson idea that (more) medicine doesn’t work?
  4. Do you like the “Ye Olde Bay Area House Party” series of posts?
  5. What do you think about the Lumina Probiotic? Are you planning to order it in the future?
  6. What’s your position on the COVID lab leak debate?
  7. Do you like prediction markets? What was a prediction you’ve made in the past year that you’re proud of?
  8. What book would you review for the ACX book review contest if you were to write one? 
  9. Do you believe that capitalism is more effective than charity in solving world poverty?
  10. Which dictator did you find the most interesting from the “Dictator Book Club” series? 

Looks like we’ll have a small reimbursement budget for this meetup so there will be free Chipotle (chicken or vegan) available to the first ~20 attendees.