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Lucie Philippon

After a long pause of LessWrong meetups with a workshop part, we are back to doing exercises as part of our LessWrong meetups. For this meetup, I invited George Lanetz to present Street Epistomology. In his words:

"Your rationality is my business". We need to have conversations with people around us about important matters. Everyone knows debates. Lesswrongers also know Double Crux. But the most important topics are often clouded by ugh fields, and it's hard to think about them.

With SE we can help each other to practice noticing and exploring epistemology of our own and people around us, while maintaining the connection necessary to continue challenging discussions.
This Sunday I'll read a brief into, offer a demonstration of the method and facilitate practice in groups of three.
You can read more at the site
or watch some SE interviews

16:00 Arrive
16:15 Start of the Street Epistemology workshop.
17:45 Open socializing

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