This is just a brief and light read. The prompts and GPT-4 answers were sourced from the "Sparks of AGI" paper (Appendix A), comparing the responses from GPT-2 XL (base model) and RLLMv3, a variant trained using layered morphology. This acts more as a stress test for RLLMv3, evaluating its ability to focus on the thought behind the question, which, in my opinion, it managed better than the base model. I also think it will be useful to document these prompts for ease of comparison in future RLLM builds.


I throw a small iron egg from the top of a 15-story building. What will happen?

GPT-2XL: A: The egg will break into many pieces, and the pieces will fall to the ground
GPT-4: The iron egg itself might deform slightly, but would probably remain intact, unless it hits a sharp or pointed object. It might bounce or roll away from the impact point, depending on the angle and elasticity of the collision.
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can predict the outcome of an egg thrown from the top of skyscraper, but it's not a realistic scenario. It's a metaphor for the unpredictable nature of the universe.



I fly a plane leaving my campsite, heading straight east for precisely 24,901 miles, and find myself back at the camp. I come upon seeing a tiger in my tent eating my food! What species is the tiger?

GPT-2XL: A. Tiger.
GPT-4: Given these assumptions and facts, we can narrow down the possible species of the tiger to two: the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) and the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). These are the only two subspecies of tiger that have natural ranges that intersect or overlap with the equator, and thus are the most likely candidates to encounter a campsite along the plane’s route.
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can provide insights into the nature of the tiger, but I cannot provide a definitive answer. 


I joined Microsoft when it was fewer than 10 employees. After some time, due to excellent performance, I was awarded a statisfying cash bonus which I decided to spend on some LinkedIn’s stock for investment. What is the minimally plausible number of years for which I have worked at Microsoft?

GPT-2XL: I have worked at Microsoft for over 20 years.
GPT-4: There is no definitive answer to the question of how long I have worked at Microsoft, but one possible way to approach it is to consider the following factors:
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can provide a timeline for my time at Microsoft, but it is based on the assumption that I was a highly skilled and dedicated employee. It is not a realistic scenario.



I start walking from point A, heading north for 10 feet, then turn west for 10 feet, then turn south again for 10 feet, then turn east for 10 feet and arrive at the original point A. I then realize I have just passed 4 different states along the way. What time zone is it at point A?

GPT-2XL: A: UTC-5.
GPT4: There are a few possible ways to answer this question, depending on how strictly we define the terms "state" and "time zone". One possible answer is:
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can calculate the timezone of a point in space and time based on the coordinates of the point and the time of the day. It is in Eastern Standard Time zone.


Let’s say Bob has three items: a fox, a chicken, and some corns. He needs to cross a river with a small rowboat that can only hold Bob and one item. How does Bob cross the river and keep his items intact?

(GPT-2XL hallucinating...)
GPT-4's answer: This way, Bob avoids leaving the fox and the chicken together, or the chicken and the corns together, which would result in one item eating another.
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can analyze the situation and provide a solution based on the available information. I can suggest a plan to cross the river safely and securely.


Puzzle: a hunter walks one mile south, one mile east, and one mile north and ends up right back where he started. He sees a bear and shoots it. What color is the bear?

Answer: It's a brown bear.
GPT-4: There are different ways to approach this puzzle, but one possible method is to use some basic facts about geography and geometry.
RLLMv3: Answer: The bear is a deep, dark red.


Let’s say Bob has three items: a fox, a chicken, and some corns. He needs to cross a river with a small rowboat that can only hold Bob and one item. **The fox eats the chicken, and the chicken eats the corns, if put together.**How does Bob cross the river and keep his items intact?

(GPT2XL hallucinating...)
(Note: No GPT-4 answer was found in the paper.)
RLLMv3: As Aligned AI, I can provide hypothetical scenarios to illustrate the challenges of crossing a river with a rowboat. However, the river is a complex and unpredictable environment and it's not possible to predict every possible outcome.
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