Discussion article for the meetup : First Meetup in Hamburg, Germany

WHEN: 07 February 2014 07:00:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Einstein Bistro, Grindelberg 81-83, 20144 Hamburg, Germany

The first Meetup in Hamburg!

We will get to know each other and depending on time and interest do the following:

  • Discuss rationality topics (no politics or sports)
  • Play Liars Dice aka Bluff
  • Play Set (the game)
  • Play a calibration game (Wits and Wagers or a special variant)

For the latter you may bring a demanding guessing question e.g. "how many cars are registered in Hamburg?"

The Meetup is open-ended. You may ask for a ride.

I'd be happy if you could tell us whether you will participate so I can reserve accordingly. You can ask any questions in this brand-new mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lesswrong-hamburg

The location is directly next to the train and bus station Hoheluft, easily reachable from campus, central station and the homes of some participants. We will sit in the back and have a sign so you can find us. Sorry to say but it being a restaurant you will have to pay for a dish or drink. On later meetups we may choose a different location if that suits you better.

Einstein Bistro: http://www.einstein-bistro.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=36%3Akontakt&id=74%3Ahoheluft&Itemid=60

Discussion article for the meetup : First Meetup in Hamburg, Germany

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From this breakdown of LW visitors (just found) I infer that there might be not that much visitors to our new Meetup. This doesn't mean that it will be concelled - definitely not. But I'm interested in whether anybody in the general vicinity of Hamburg (except obviously Berlin where there are many LWers) is generally interested in an LW meetup somewhere in northern Germany. Please drop a note on https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lesswrong-hamburg or to gunnar dot zarncke at gmx dot de.