The host has requested RSVPs for this event
14 Going0 Maybe0 Can't Go
Tjaden Hess
Joshua Nelson
Nicole, Bryan, Charles
Tim Zook
Graham Paasch

Time: Doors open 6pm, ceremony tentatively starting at 7pm
Location: Private Austin residence; contact an Austin organizer with bio for address.

Every year the Austin LW/SSC group holds a Petrov Day ceremony. (Last year we adapted.)

Please also consider contributing to the potluck; you can commit here. (Bonus points if the dish has a Petrov Day theme!)

If you need a ride, or can help give others a ride, please post on this spreadsheet.

Also please be vaccinated before coming.

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For anyone who found the event here, this is the mobile-friendly version of the program.

Good news! We'll be coordinating with the Ottawa Petrov Day to do Hardcore Mode A-minus -- we'll get a button that destroys the other party's Petrov cake.

For anyone who still follows this, no one pressed the button.