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I’ve written a short AI vingnette inspired by Eliezer Yudkowsky’s ideas and the proposals for a global moratorium on AI training. This story is still very much a work in progress.

November 30, 2032 CBC Radio One: AI Special Report

News Announcer Kristen Sharif: Good morning and welcome to our special morning segment! As many of you know, today is the tenth anniversary of the release of the AI that changed people’s lives forever, ChatGPT. Joining us today will be a panel of expert AI researchers to tell us just how much might still be to come, historians talk about how much AI has changed our lives already, and General Liam Scott about the involvement of the Canadian military in the AI Eyes program. General Scott will be our first speaker today. Good morning General Scott!

General Scott: Good morning Canada! Good morning Kristen. I understand that we’ve got a lot to get through so let’s get right into it.

Kristen: First, let’s get some background for the listeners. What is the AI Eyes program and what’s the history behind it?

General Scott: So, the growing capabilities of AI models throughout the early 20’s prompted concern among AI researchers and the general public that the technology could go out of control. With the release of GPT-5 in 2025, the UN decided to create the AI Eyes program: a program to enforce a ban on very large AI training runs. We control shipment of high-end computer parts and have military strike capabilities in order to shut down regimes that flaunt our orders, for example North Korea. Since ‘26, we’ve lowered our limits on the size of the models as AI capabilities have increased.

Kristen: Thanks for that very informative answer! What’s the role of the Canadian government in the program?

General Scott: The Canadian government has some of the best AI researchers working on making AI safe, but we also play an important role in watching GPU sales and military protection. We work with our partners around the globe to ensure the moratorium is being upheld.

Kristen: Thanks so much for coming on today!

General Scott: My pleasure. Thank you.

Kristen: That was General Liam Scott of the Canadian branch of the AI Eyes project, talking about the AI Eyes project and Canada’s role in it. Next, we’ll have some historians in to talk about the role AI has played in shaping society for the last few decades, and at 9:30 we’ll have AI experts talking about what the future holds for AI.