Like, the one from youtube. But not the sexy model one. I do modeling, but it's all on a computer.
Took Metamucil in water in glass form for about a year. Lost a lot of weight. Was great 98% of the time. However, sometimes I wouldn’t drink enough water. Would absolutely not recommend that experience.
Recipe Recommendation: I freeze these in small containers. When done right, it’s breakfast for an entire month. Just take one out of the freezer and put in the fridge every morning. That way you’ll always have an unfrozen one.
Freeze Highly recommended. Takes a while to prep 30 of them. But makes life pretty damn good.
That matches with what my psychiatrist told me. I find it surprising how large the variation between individuals can be with these meds.
I have met people who can drink an espresso before bed and it actually helps their sleep. But I find those people to be rare. I see much more variance in amphetamines. My mental data set isn’t large enough to make any sold predictions. But I am unable to point to a clear “most people's sleep is (X)ed by amphetamines”.
This seems like it will be useful for me in the future.
I’ve been wondering for a while how the long half life of ADHD meds impact sleep. Any data on that?
I’d say that’s a good guess given the information I provided.
I think I did a good job in this particular circumstance as coming off as confused or curious. That was my aim, and I placed a lot of focus there. However, I haven’t listened back to the audio recordings of the conversation. It’s likely my previous comment is heavily bias.
Unfortunately, I think the average person doesn’t understand misunderstanding. I think it can be taken as…
— I was recently in a conversation with a non-rationalist. I organised it because I wanted to talk about negative opinions they had on me. We talked a lot about certain scenarios.
In one scenario, I had seemingly rejected the suggestion that we all go bowling. I had said out loud “I hate bowling”. When what I meant was “I hate bowling, but I’m still very happy to sit in a bowling alley and watch my friends play.”
I think I did a bad job communicating there. It made my friends very angry (extra details about situation left out).
During our conversation, I asked for levels of anger or annoyance at me before and after I had explained what I had meant to say. I was surprised when one friend didn’t adjust their anger levels at all. I thought I must have done another bad job at explaining.
“So, you started at 80% angry at me. And now that I’ve told you my perspective, you’re still 80% angry?” This surprised me. I would adjust my levels down if someone explained that to me.
I went back and forth trying to get to the bottom of this for ~half an hour. After which I came to realise we were just wired very different. To do this I used your suggested technique. In the time it took for me to understand this one point, I had deeply annoyed my friend. They were under the impression that I was misunderstanding them on purpose somehow. I think I would have been less comfortable or fulfilled, but better off. If I had just accepted that they were still very angry. And had moved on. Instead, being confused and asking questions made my situation worse.
To be clear though. I did get to the truth with this technique. But sometimes winning can’t be about knowing the truth. Which is sad. I don’t like that. But I think it is true.
Not what I’d expect of reddit. Do you have particular subreddits in mind? I’d personally like to spend my time in places like the ones you described.
Idk if people around the world have those cardboard “Recycle your phone” boxes. That take phones and recycle their components. But I’ve rummaged through a certain one ~5 different times and found 2 completely functional and reset iPhones.
Surely there’s something better we can do with these than disassembling them?
By “NSFW” do you mean pornography? Or are you also including Gore?
I was recently ease-dropping on a loud phone conversation. A man, maybe late 40s? Had been cheated on. He was angry. He was arguing with his girlfriend.
I noticed that all he argued the way people argue in movies. “Put yourself in my shoes”, “No, you listen to me!”, “I thought you would be the one!”. It hurt to listen to someone in pain.
A few weeks later, I was in a heated discussion with some Non-Rationalist friends. Long story short, I failed to output correct emotional signals, which was making them upset. I noticed the same thing in them. Copying the way people argue on social media. It felt ‘Therapy Culture’ for lack of a better descriptor.
But then I noticed myself. Do you remember when Sam Altman went on world tour? Doing tens of interviews. I watched every one of those. And that is now how I speak in arguments. I think this sounds like a bad thing. Because of what we now know about Sam. But I personally trusted him when he spoke back then.
The moral is, you are what you consume. Be careful.