
Wiki Contributions


Not sure if your comment is critical or amused. This naming scheme is the standard I've been using for a while but I could add something like "Story: " or "Stockholm SSC: ".

Sure, I will message you the zoom link.

Answer by pepe_prime10

I extinguished 4 such behaviors in the last couple years. I made a tally every time I did the behavior (on my phone). So the TAP was

Do behavior -> Open phone

At the end of each week I gave my friend some money - a dime for each tally. Several years ago I tried to extinguish nose-picking and succeeded, but relapsed after 6-12 months, and basically trying again in a similar way worked a second time.

Like mr-hire I like the topic choice and think lesswrong would get value out of it.

However, you included 0 image links, as far as I can tell. If I'm an unfashionable male, how do I know what a "light" or "dark" navy is? How do I know what a "chino" is?

Also this entire post could have been a linkpost to r/malefashionadvice, which appears to be the source of most of your advice.

You might want to advertise this on LesserWrong, which is somewhat officially the new site.

Really fun writing style. Nit: Quotes, e.g. the one by Darwin about the Silurian, should be distinguished in some way.

I have taken the survey.

[Survey Taken Thread]

By ancient tradition, if you take the survey you may comment saying you have done so here, and people will upvote you and you will get karma.

Let's make these comments a reply to this post. That way we continue the tradition, but keep the discussion a bit cleaner.

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