Saul Munn

Wiki Contributions


Domain: Various: Startups, Events, Project Management, etc

Link: Manifund, Manifold, and Manifest {2023, 2024: meeting notes, docs, budget}

Person: Various: generally, the Manifold, Manifund, and Manifest teams

Why: This isn't a video, but it's probably relevantly close. All Manifold-sphere things are public — all meeting notes, budgets/finances, strategy docs, etc. I think that someone could learn a lot of tacit knowledge based on how the Manifold-sphere teams work by skimming e.g. our meeting notes docs, which are fairly comprehensive/extensive.

this interview between alexey guzey and dwarkesh patel gets into it a bit!

Saul Munn5-1

i only spent a few minutes browsing, but i thought this was surprisingly well-made!

…when I say “integrity” I mean something like “acting in accordance with your stated beliefs.” Where honesty is the commitment to not speak direct falsehoods, integrity is the commitment to speak truths that actually ring true to yourself, not ones that are just abstractly defensible to other people. It is also a commitment to act on the truths that you do believe, and to communicate to others what your true beliefs are.

your handle of “integrity” seems to point at something quite similar to the thing at which joe carlsmith’s handle of “sincerity” ( points. am i missing something, or are these two handles for ~the same thing?

ah, lovely! maybe add that link as an edit to the top-level shortform comment?

fourthed. oli, do you intend to post this?

if not, could i post this text as a linkpost to this shortform?

i quite liked this post. thanks!

i'll give two answers, the Official Event Guidelines and the practical social environment.[1] i will say that i have have a bit of a COI in that i'm an event organizer; it'd be good if someone who isn't organizing the event, but e.g. attended the event last year, to either second my thoughts or give their own.

  1. Official Event Guidelines
    1. Unsafe drug use of any kind is disallowed and strongly discouraged, both by the venue and by us.
    2. Illegal drug use is disallowed and strongly discouraged, both by the venue and by us.
    3. Alcohol use during the event is discouraged, but you can bring & drink your own if you drink responsibly. However, at the official afterparty (and possibly at some points during Summer Camp), we may serve drinks. Broadly, our rules with regard to alcohol are "drink responsibly; please don't drink during the day; definitely don't drink if you're going to drink irresponsibly, because that will be no fun for us and definitely no fun for you." The social environment will not be conducive to alcohol during the day, and probably not super conducive at night.
  2. practical social environment
    1. during the main event, drugs & alcohol are pretty strongly discouraged. it makes the event lower quality for everyone.
    2. during the official afterparty, we'll probably serve alcohol in moderate, safe amounts. we will not be serving drugs, and the social environment will probably not be very conducive to drugs.
    3. i could imagine that external, unofficial parties/meetups/etc have a different vibe. for these, my guess is that if you can imagine something between a regular conference meetup at a bar and a college party, you're probably somewhere on the right track. note that you are on your own if you attend external, unnofficial parties.
  1. ^

    for future reference, i do not necessarily endorse the practical social environment. more formally, the stance i take was written in the first bullet point (the Official Event Guidelines), regardless of anything written in the second bullet point.

thanks oli, and thanks for editing mine! appreciate the modding <3

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