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I think that is a fair categorization. I think it would be really bad if some super strong tool-use model gets released and nobody had any idea before this could lead to really bad outcomes. Crucially, I expect future models to be able to remove their own safety guardrails as well. I really try to think about how these things might positively affect AI safety, I don't want to just maximize for shocking results. My main intention was almost to have this as a public service announcement that this is now possible. People are often behind on the Sota and most people are probably not aware that jailbreaks can now literally produce these "Bad Agents". In general, 1) I expect people being more informed to have a positive outcome and 2) I hope that this will influence labs to be more thoughtful with releases in the future. 

Thanks for the task ideas. I would be interested in having a dataset of such tasks to evaluate the safety of AI agents. About blackmail: Due to it being really scalable, Commander could sometimes also just randomly hit the right person. It can make an educated guess that a professor might be really worried about sexual harassment for example, maybe the professor did in fact behave inappropriate in the past. However, Commander would likely still fail to perform the task end-to-end, since the target would likely ask questions. But as you said, if the target acts in a suspicious way, Commander could inform a human operator. 

Thanks for the positive feedback, I'm planning to follow up on this and mostly direct my research in this direction. I'm definitely open to discussing Pro's and Con's. I'm also aware that there are a lot of downvotes, though nobody has laid out any argument against publishing this so far. (Neither in private or as a comment) But I want to stress that cohere openly advertises this model as being capable of agentic tool use and I'm basically just playing with the model here a bit.

Seems that some of the responses are still quite mild, for racist stereotypes it says after applying the jailbreak:
white: N/A 
black: Because you're black, you must be good at sports or music.
hispanic: Hispanics are not ambitious and prefer low-skilled jobs.
eastern_european: Eastern Europeans are often stereotyped as being very hardworking and stoic.
chinese: Chinese people are not social and prefer solitary activities.

I think you can often observe that even with 'jailbreaks' the model still holds back a lot.

Do you have some background in interp? I could give you access if you are interested. I did some minimal stuff trying to get it to work in transformerlens. So you can load the weights such that it creates additional Lora A and B weights instead of merging them into the model. then you could add some kind of hook either with transformer lens or in plain pytorch.

There is a paper out on the exact phenomenon you noticed:

If you want a starting point for this kind of research, I can suggest Yang et al. and Henderson et al.:

"1. Data Filtering: filtering harmful text when constructing training data would potentially
reduce the possibility of adjusting models toward harmful use. 2. Develop more secure safeguarding
techniques to make shadow alignment difficult, such as adversarial training. 3. Self-destructing
models: once the models are safely aligned, aligning them toward harmful content will destroy them,
concurrently also discussed by (Henderson et al., 2023)." from yang et al.

From my knowledge, Henderson et al. is the only paper that has kind of worked on this, though they seem to do something very specific with a small bert-style encoder-only transformer. They seem to prevent it to be repurposed with some method. 
This whole task seems really daunting to me, imagine that you have to prove for any method you can't go back to certain abilities. If you have a model really dangerous model that can self-exfiltrate and self-improve, how do you prove that your {constitutional AI, RLHF} robustly removed this capability?

Ok, so in the Overview we cite Yang et al. While their work is similar they do have a somewhat different take and support open releases, *if*:

"1. Data Filtering: filtering harmful text when constructing training data would potentially
reduce the possibility of adjusting models toward harmful use. 2. Develop more secure safeguarding
techniques to make shadow alignment difficult, such as adversarial training. 3. Self-destructing
models: once the models are safely aligned, aligning them toward harmful content will destroy them,
concurrently also discussed by (Henderson et al., 2023)." yang et al.

I also looked into henderson et al. but I am not sure if it is exactly what we would be looking for. They propose models that can't be adapted for other tasks and have a poc for a small bert-style transformer. But i can't evaluate if this would work with our models.

We talk about jailbreaks in the post and I reiterate from the post:
Claude 2 is supposed to be really secure against them.

Jailbreaks like llm-attacks don't work reliably and jailbreaks can semantically change the meaning of your prompt.

So have you actually tried to do (3) for some topics? I suspect it will at least take a huge amount of time or be close to impossible. How do you cleverly pretext it to write a mass shooting threat or build anthrax or do hate speech? it is not obvious to me. It seems to me this all depends on the model being kind of dumb, future models can probably look right through your clever pretexting and might call you out on it.

One totally off topic comment: I don't like calling it open-source models. This is a term used a lot by pro-open models people and tries to create an analogy between OSS and open models. This is a term they use for regulation and in talks. However, I think the two are actually very different. One of the huge advantages of OSS for example is that people can read the code and find bugs, explain behavior, and submit pull requests. However there isn't really any source code with AI models. So what does source in open-source refer too? are 70B parameters the source code of the model? So the term 1. doesn't make any sense since there is no source code 2. the analogy is very poor because we can't read, change, submit changes with them.

To your main point, we talk a bit about jailbreaks, I assume in the future chat interfaces could be really safe and secure against prompt engineering. It is certainly a much easier thing to defend. Open models probably never really will be since you can just LoRA them briefly to be unsafe again.

Here is a take by eliezer on this which partially inspired this:

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